  • 期刊

Eating Behaviors and Weight over Time in a Prospective Study: The Healthy Twin Study



本研究探討結合初始節制飲食與情緒性進食/外因性進食與初始身體質量指數(BMI)、隨時間之體重變化及這些飲食行為變化之間的關係。參與者為1361位韓國雙胞胎與家人(男性482位,女性879位)。在一段期間(2.7±0.9年)內,測量兩次BMI和填寫荷蘭飲食行為問卷。受試者被分為結合性別差異初始節制飲食與外因性(或情緒性)飲食三分位的不同組合。在校正基線干擾因子(如:家戶、手足關係、性別、年齡、教育程度、吸菸、飲酒、能量攝取、體能活動與疾病史)後,執行線性混合模式。在校正後的模式,初始BMI隨初始節制飲食之分量上升而增加,在初始外因性或情緒性飲食之三個分位組皆然。在外因性飲食最低分位組與情緒性飲食的中分位組,體重的變化,不隨 初始節制飲食的分量提高而增加。隨著相對應的飲食行為基線分量上升,該飲食行為之後續變化量降低。這些結果表示,高節制飲食和外因性/情緒性進食可能伴隨較高的BMI、較少體重增加與降低相對應的飲食行為變化。


We examined the relationships of combined initial restrained and external/emotional eating with initial BMI and change in weight and these subscales over time. BMI and the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire were twice-measured in 1361 Korean twins and families (482 men, 879 women) over a period of 2.7±0.9 years. Subjects were classified by combination of initial sex-specific restrained and external (or emotional) eating tertiles. Linear mixed models were performed after adjusting for confounders at baseline (household, sibling relations, sex, age, education level, smoking, alcohol use, energy intake, physical activity, and medical history). In adjusted models, initial BMI increased with increasing tertiles of initial restrained eating across initial external/emotional eating tertiles. Weight was less likely to increase over time with increasing tertiles of initial restrained eating in the lowest external eating tertile and middle tertile of emotional eating at baseline. Subscale scores decreased over time with increasing tertiles of corresponding subscales at baseline. These findings suggest that high dietary restraint and external/emotional eating may indicate concurrent high BMI and attenuated weight gain and decreases in corresponding subscales over time.


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