  • 期刊


A Study of Selected Apps to Aid English Underachievers


隨著學習科技的進步與普及,平板電腦應用程式(Apps)已經成為目前教學情境中有利之教學工具,線上市集(如:Google Play & App Store)已存在許多免費或低價的應用程式可資應用於學習。然而,市集中過多的應用程式不僅使忙碌的教師無法融入於教學,甚至在選擇時不知無所適從。目前之研究甚少探討針對特定學科作為低成就學習者補強之平板電腦應用程式挑選以增強學習。因而,本研究探討如何針對英語程度落後之國小學童的個別學習需求,選擇適合的平板電腦應用程式以輔助增強學童英語音韻識覺之的課後學習,藉此研究歸類出適合英語音韻識覺能力低之學習者的平板電腦應用程式,希望有助於有相同需求之教師,嘉惠更多師生且歸納出之特色可供應用程式設計之相關人員參考。本研究共有六位學生、三位英語教師、一位英語教學專家參與本項研究。結果發現,良好的英語音韻識覺平板電腦應用程式具下列特色:一、根據學習者需求的平板電腦應用程式共可以分為引起注意、增進參與和實用工具等三類;二、應用程式界定清楚的學習目標,並以互動式、遊戲式的方式讓學習者以互動方式辨別音韻識覺;三、應用程式特色為針對學童設計多彩、清晰、精緻且結合多媒體的互動內容,包含聲音、動畫、影片及遊戲。希冀藉由本研究探討平板電腦應用程式之選擇、分類與教學成果,有益於未來有意以平板電腦融入英文低成就學童教學之教師、行政人員及家長。本研究建議未來教師或家長在選擇適合低成就學童使用之平板電腦應用程式時,應針對其特殊需求進行分析,再透過不同類型、學習目標與多媒體互動等原則選擇適合其學習之應用程式。


With the proliferation and prevalence of learning technologies, Applications (Apps) on Tablet PCs have become useful instructional technology. Several free or low-priced Apps in the online app markets (such as Google Play & App Store) can be implemented for learning. However, it is too many Apps that make instructors with heavy loads unable to integrate into teaching practice. Few studies focus on using mobile Apps for underachievers in specific learning context to enhance learning. Therefore, the present study investigates how to select appropriate mobile Apps for left-behind elementary school students to enhance phonemic awareness in an after-class setting. Additionally, the features and classification of appropriate selected Apps are identified for teachers, parents, and App designers. Six students, three English teachers, and one English professor were involved in this study. The results show as follows: First, mobile Apps for underachievers can be classified into three types: gaining attention, participation, and practical apps. Secondly, appropriate Apps share clear specific objectives, and engage students with interactive and game-based scaffold to help learners develop phonemic awareness. Third, the mobile apps integrat colorful, high-definition, and delicate multimedia content for children. We hope the pioneering findings in this study could shed light in using iPad and apps for English remedial teaching/learning and hopefully more domain and subject specific learning and instruction will be benefited accordingly. Further discussion on some related issues and suggestions for future study have been presented in this paper.


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