  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Evaluation of Small-group Tutorial by a Focus Group




The small-group tutorial mode of teaching has become the mainstream of medical education. The National Taiwan University College of Medicine started its innovative curriculum in 1992, using interactive small-group tutorials as one of the emphasized teaching strategies. Most of the previous studies on this subject have used quantitative assessment to evaluate the courses. The aim of the present study was to use focus group discussions to analyze the students’ viewpoints on small-group tutorial teaching. Students in the second year of medical school who underwent small- group tutorial course during the 1996 to 1999 academic years were asked to join a series of meetings. The meetings occurred twice every semester for 2 hours per session. The discussion groups comprised of 16 student representatives. The authors who are familiar with group dynamics led the discussions. Each representative had collected a lot of opinions and reflections from the student body before the meeting and they shared and discussed their findings during the meetings. Detailed transcripts of the discussions were obtained and analyzed. The first and second authors reviewed these records, thoroughly discussed every important fact and arrived at some conclusions. The conclusions were integrated and condensed into the following five major areas: 1) the form of the discussion; 2) the subject of the discussion; 3) amount of preparation before the class; 4) the tutor; 5) the small-group tutorial itself. The essence of the conclusions reflected that students became more independent in several dimensions with the mature of each small-group. However, our evaluation also revealed the transition from old-fashioned rote memorization style of education to a novel form of medical education. Some students still showed anxiety and reluctance toward the use of small-group tutorials, and others also showed dependence on their tutors. The results of our study provide important references for other schools that are debating whether to implement the small-group tutorial teaching strategy.


