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The Recruitment and Training of Standardized Patients at National Taiwan University Hospital


以病人為中心的醫學教育,除了傳統知識的傳授,更著重技能的訓練與態度的培養。隨著醫學教育的進步與發展,臨床醫學教育的訓練以及評估,也突破以往生硬的大堂授課與紙筆測驗無法評量學生真正臨床能力之缺憾,客觀結構式臨床測驗(Objective Structured Clinical Examination,OSCE)、標準化病人(Standardized Patients)在醫學生臨床醫學教育的應用,應運而生。臺大醫院自2006年7月起,開始招募非醫學背景的志工來扮演標準化病人,至2007年8月中旬止,臺大醫院教學部標準化病人訓練班共招募了六十八位有興趣人士,已完成訓練並實際參與演出者有五十二位,共參加了五個科部二十九場次OSCE的劇情演出。透過不斷調整招募與訓練的方式,我們希望能累積經驗,建立制度性本土化的標準化病人訓練模式,同時也為標準化病人的人力資源儲備作長遠準備。


Patient-centered medical education places more emphasis on the student's attitude and clinical skills training compared to traditional ways of imparting medical knowledge. As medical education has progressed and developed, clinical medical education training and evaluation has undergone a tremendous revolution such that clinical skills training and evaluation are utilized as a way to assess clinical competence. The objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) and standardized patients (SPs) have therefore become commonly used during clinical medical education. From July 2007, the National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) has begun to recruit non-medical background volunteers as SPs. We have recruited 68 volunteers and 52 of these have participated in 29 OSCEs across five different departments. This was done after they had completed the training program provided by the Medical Education Department of NTUH. By continually upgrading the recruitment and training of SPs, we hope our experience will help to establish a distinct SP training program specifically adapted to Taiwan and, at the same time, help prepare for future requirements in terms of SP human resources.


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