  • 期刊


Yield Potential Analysis of Super Hybrid Rice Grown in Taiwan


水稻為台灣最主要生產與消費的糧食作物,開發高產品種一直是水稻育種重要目標之一,其中雜種優勢運用是一可行的方向。本研究以大陸地區引進之「錢優0508」('Qianyou 0508';'QY 0508')、「II優7954」('II You 7954';'II Y 7954')、「Y兩優689」('Y Liangyou 689';'YLY 689')、「Y兩優302」('Y Liangyou 302';'YLY 302')、「皖稻153」('Wandao 153';'WD 153')、「五優308」('Wuyou 308';'WY 308')、「株兩優168」('Zhuliangyou 168';'ZLY 168')等7個秈型超級雜交稻組合為材料,對照品種為台灣秈稻純系品種「台中秈17號」('Taichung Sen17';'TCS 17'),在台灣地區進行一年兩期作生育特性及產量潛力評估試驗。變方分析結果顯示,參試水稻品種的農藝性狀及產量構成要素在不同插植株數及不同品種間具有顯著差異。參試品種的產量、產量構成要素及農藝性狀的表現普遍比對照品種'TCS 17'優異,而且一期作的增產效果明顯比二期作高。超級雜交稻高產的主要原因為一期作單株總穎花數(積儲容積)較高所致。一期作多本植的超級雜交稻平均產量較對照品種'TCS 17'高20%,兩本植則高5%。二期作多本植的超級雜交稻平均產量較對照品種'TCS 17'高7%,兩本植則高10%。不同插植株數間之比較,以兩本植產量較低,主因為兩本植之穗數不足所致。本研究顯示超級雜交稻在台灣栽培,必須保證其單株穎花數及維持一定的單位面積穗數,才能保證獲致高產。


Rice is the most widely grown and consumed staple crop in Taiwan. Increasing rice yield potential is eventually a major target in rice breeding programs and the use of heterosis is also a feasible strategy. The objective of this study was to evaluate growth characters and yield potential of the recently developed hybrid rice in Mainland China. Field trials were conducted for two cropping seasons using seven Chinese varieties including 'Qianyou 0508' ('QY 0508'), 'II You 7954' ('II Y 7954'), 'Y Liangyou 689' ('YLY 689'), 'Y Liangyou 302' ('YLY 302'), 'Wandao 153' ('WD 153'), 'Wuyou 308' ('WY 308'), 'Zhuliangyou 168' ('ZLY 168') and check variety 'Taichung Sen 17' ('TCS 17'). The results of ANOVA revealed that rice agronomic characters and yield-related traits were significantly affected by different seedling number and plant varieties. Grain yield, yield components and agronomic traits of all imported rice were superior than indica check variety 'TCS 17'. In addition, grain yield in the first cropping season of all tested varieties was higher than that in the second cropping season. The high yield of super hybrid rice is due to the increase in the total number of spikelet per plant (sink size). In the first cropping season, average grain yield of super hybrid rice was 20% and 5% higher than check variety 'TCS 17' in multiple and two-seedling treatment, respectively. In the second crop, average grain yield of super hybrid rice was 7% and 10% higher than check variety 'TCS 17' in multiple and two-seedling treatment, respectively. Comparison between two treatments of seedling number showed that yield performance of two plants per hill was inferior than multiple seedling mainly attributed to the lack of panicle number. These results indicate that increased spikelet number per panicle and maintained enough panicle number per meter square are a foundation to obtain higher yield potential for supper hybrid rice cultivated in Taiwan.


Super hybrid rice Yield components
