  • 期刊

田野科學與其基礎建設 以臺灣地下水觀測網為例

Field Science and Its Infrastructure Using Groundwater Monitoring Network in Taiwan as a Case




Social science has been concerned for many years about large-scale environmental issues, such as global warming, air pollution and sea pollution. Although most researchers know that these phenomena can affect large geographical areas, few have noticed the importance of the system of environmental information collection in advancing understanding of nature. This article takes "Groundwater Monitoring Network Plan" between 1992 and 2008, and "The Integrated Investigation of Groundwater Resources in Taiwan Mountainous Area" between 2010 and 2021, as examples to examine how the production of large-scale environmental information is possible. This study argues that most scholars have ignored the key role of "scientific infrastructure" in the production of scientific knowledge, and also points out that the operators' adjustment between standard and assemblage ensures that the system for gathering scientific information works. Drawing inspirations from the assemblage theory, this study redefines scientific infrastructures as "heterogeneous associations under limited standardization", and suggests that STS scholars engage in closer dialogues with so-called "infrastructure studies", which has become increasingly influential in both human geography and anthropology.


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