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The Technology of Time, Mathematization, and Hyperobjects in Interstellar



In this paper, I will discuss the issue of the relationship among technology, time, and object, especially regarding how the technology of time re-shapes or transforms the human beings so as to enable them to travel in outer space. Mathematization, Quentin Meillassoux's term, a nonhuman approach, is the key to enabling humans to explore the worlds and realities beyond their common understanding of time, space, and themselves. Timothy Morton's conception of hyperobjects offers us a nonhuman perspective to (re)examine humans' relationships with matter outside of Earth. With its background of possible space travel in the future, Christopher Nolan's movie Interstellar shows us how the technology of time becomes an essential tool for humans to explore the universe and leads us to a posthuman and even nonhuman future. In Interstellar, while it appears that the storyline centers around the love between father and daughter, the gap between manifest time on Earth and physical time in outer space transforms their relationship. Love is still love, but their love bears witness to the "a-mortalizaton" of human relationships.


本文的目的在於探討技術、時間與物之間的關係,尤其是著重於時間的技術如何重塑或者轉變人類使其能到外太空旅行。本文借用昆汀.梅雅蘇(Quentin Meillassoux)的數學化概念,也就是一種非人的方法,討論人類藉著數學化而能夠探索超越他們一般認知之外的時間、空間和人本身的世界與現實。此外,提摩西.摩頓(Timothy Morton)的「新物」(hyperobjects)理論也提供我們非人觀點檢視在地球之外人與物質之間的關係。克里斯多福.諾蘭(Christopher Nolan)的電影《星際效應》(Interstellar)以未來可能的太空旅行為背景,呈現一個時間技術成為人類探索宇宙的主要工具的故事,並且引導我們走向一個後人類,甚至是非人類的未來。在《星際效應》中,雖然故事主軸似乎圍繞在父女之間的愛,然而地球的心理感受時間與外太空的物理時間之落差轉變了父女之間的關係。雖然他們之間的愛仍然存在,然而這份愛卻見證了人類關係的「非死化」。


時間 時間技術 數學化 新物 後人類的未來


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