  • 期刊

Effect of the Chinese Herbal Mebicine, Chia-Wei-Hsiao Yao-San, on Chronic Hepatitis



目的:比較不同的方劑對醫院慢性肝炎病患的治療效果。先前的研究顯示脾經對於肝病具有特別重要的意義,因此選擇假設能夠增強脾經以及肝經的方劑加味逍遙散(A方劑)和假設能夠增強肺經及肝經的方劑小柴胡湯(B方劑)作臨床治療效果的探討。方法:80位慢性病毒性肝炎病患(肝功能指數SGOT、SGPT超過正常值的範圍但在400 IU/L以下)參與本研究,經由隨機方式分為A、B兩組,A組共有33位病患使用A方劑治療三個月,B組則有29位病患使用B方劑同樣治療三個月,以肝功能有關的各項血液生化指標作為臨床療效評估的依據。結果:A組病患血中的SGOT值,治療前為475±313 IU/L經過三個月的給藥治療下降為398±267 IU/L,另外病患血中的SGPT值,也由治療前的72.0±52.7 IU/L下降為57.8±42.5 IU/L,兩組皆具有統計學上的顯著差異,P值小於0.01,相反的B組病患經過三個月的給藥治療之後,血中的肝功能指數SGOT值以及SGPT值,不降反升。經過三個月的給藥治療之後,A組病患血中的肝功能指數SGOT、SGPT皆比B組病患要來得低且具有統計學上的差異。結論:這個結果顯示加味逍遙散降低肝臟發炎的效果要比小柴胡湯的效果為佳,雖然日本宣稱小柴胡湯具有治療各類肝臟疾病的效果。本研究的臨床結果不僅印證了我們對於這二種中藥方劑的假設,並且也與脈學研究指出肝病要實脾以及肝臟與脾臟相互影響的生理意義相吻合。


Objectives: This study compared the effects of Chinese herbs formulas on the chronic hepatitis in the hospital patients. Previous studies showed that the spleen meridian seems especially important in liver diseases, so we selected ”Chia-Wei-Hsiao-Yan-San” (Formula A) in order to add tonic to the spleen meridian and improve the liver meridian while ”Xiao-Chia-Hu-Tang” (Formula B) adds tonic to the lung and the liver meridian. Methods: Eighty patients of chronic viral hepatitis (SGOT, SGPT above normal but below 400 IU/L) were included in this study randomly and divided into A and B group. In Group A, 33 patients were treated for three months with Chinese herbs (Formula A). For the same period of time. 29 patients in Group B were treated with Chinese herbs (Formula B). The effects of the treatment were evaluated by blood tests of liver function. Results: The Group A had decreased value of SGOT from before treatment reading of 47.5±31.3 IU/L to after three-month treatment reading of 39. 8±26.7 IU/L and also decreased values of SGPT from before treatment reading of 72.0±52.7 IU/L to after three-month treatment reading of 57.8±42.5 IU/L. Both readings were statistically significant being p<0.01. On the contrary, the Group B had increased values of SGOT and SGPT after three-month treatment. After three-month treatment, the SGOT and SGPT of the Group A were all significantly lower than those of the Group B. Conclusion: Chinese herbs formula ”Chia-Wei-Hsiao-Yao-San” was more effective in lowering liver inflammation than ”Xiao-Chai-Hu-Tang” that is widely used by Japanese as an effective treatment for liver diseases. This result is consistent with our hypothesis, and also matches pulse studies as well as Chinese Medicine's emphasis on maintaining the strength of the spleen in liver disease because these two systems are very closely related.
