  • 期刊


Reduction of Self-extubation Rate in Intensive Care Unit Patients


非計畫性氣管內管自拔是醫療照護重要的指標之一,氣管內管自拔不僅增加醫療成本、更會危及病人的生命安全。統計單位2010年非計畫性氣管內管自拔率為0.35%。本專案旨降低非計畫性氣管內管自拔率,運用團隊資源管理模式進行對策改善,包含制定氣管內管照護標準、修訂保護性約束技術標準及鎮靜劑、止痛劑使用指引等解決方案。經專案實施後氣管內管照護技術不完整率由56.7% 降至1.1%、保護性約束技術不完整從59.2%降至0%、非計畫性氣管內管自拔率自0.35% 降至0.16%,顯示專案措施成效良好。期望藉由專案分享團隊合作降低非計畫性氣管內管自拔率,進而降低醫療成本與提高病人照護安全品質。


Unplanned endotracheal tube self extubation is one of the important health care indicators. In addition to an increase of health care cost, endotracheal tube self extubation also endangers patients' life and safety. Our current project aimed to reduce the incidence rate of unplanned endotracheal tube self extubation by implementation of Team Resource Management (TRM) model. This model consisted (1) a checklist for ETT fixation procedures, (2) amendment protection constraint technical standards, and (3) sedatives and analgesics use guidelines. After implementation of the model, the incomplete rate of ETT care, protective restraint and endotracheal tube self extubation dropped from 56.7% to 1.1%, 59.2% to 0%, and 0.35% to 0.16%, respectively. By sharing of the project and collaborative team work, we anticipate a reduction of incidence rate of the unplanned endotracheal tube self extubation, thereby a decrement in health care cost and an improvement in patient care quality and safety.
