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台灣高中第二外語日語教學活動初探-以日語合作夥伴支援為例-|An Exploratory Research on Learning Japanese as a Foreign Language: A Case of NIHONGO Partners in High School, Taiwan




本研究探討大學端的教師如何根據十二年國民基本教育課程綱要的第二外國語文課綱設計教學,以及如何在高中教學現場實踐議題融入的日語教學。第二外國語文課綱根據CEFR將語言學習階段分為Level-1(A1-1),Level-2(A1-2),Level-3(A2-1),Level-4(A2-2),重視語言能力的運用以及銜接。本次實驗對象是Level-1(A1-1)的學習者。教學活動除了採取自我評量以促進自主學習外,同時與國際交流基金所派遣的日語合作夥伴合作,設計議題融入的活動。日語合作夥伴是日本派遣日語教學助理至ASEAN各國的制度,台灣於2017年開始實施。除了介紹如何在語言能力有限的Level-1設計議題融入的活動外,也提議活用日語合作夥伴的知識或專長,讓教學活動豐富而多元。|This study is an explorative study seeking to examine several aspects of language course design and implementation under the 12-Year Basic Education Curricula Guidelines -the Second Foreign Language Curriculum. Based on CEFR, the Second Foreign Language Curriculum divided courses into Level -1(A1-1), Level -2(A1-2), Level -3(A2-1), and Level -4(A2- 2) with an emphasis on language communication and competence. The study will investigate how Japanese -language teachers at the university level can design activities integrating social issues into inst ruction in accordance with the Second Foreign Language Curriculum and how the author implemented such a design in a high school setting for Level -1 (A1-1) learners. It will also look at the introduction of self- assessment to attempt to boost autonomous learning. At the same time, this field study will also examine cooperation with NIHONGO Partners dispatched by the Japan Foundation as assistants for the class-an institution long existing in ASEAN countries but newly started in Taiwan in 2017. It is hoped that in this way, this study will shed light on the process of designing activities integrating social issues into instruction for Level-1 learners whose language abilities are limited. It will also investigate ways of helping strengthen learners' motivation through self-assessment and cooperation with NIHONGO Partners, and will offer recommendations on how to use the knowledge and expertise of NIHONGO Partners to make teaching activities more rich and diverse for the implementation of the Second Foreign Language Curriculum.


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國家教育研究院(2014)『十二年國民基本教育課程發展指引』2019 年 8 月 28 日アクセス
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国際交流基金( 2017)『海外の日本語教育の現状 2015 年度日本語教育機関調査より』 2019 年 8 月 28 日アクセス
倉八順子( 1993)「コミュニカティブ・アプローチ及び外国人講師とのティームティーチングが学習成果と学習意欲に及ぼす効果」『教育心理学研究』 41(2),209-220.
