  • 期刊


Exploring Undergraduate Students’ Casual-Leisure Information Behaviors of Online Video Viewing


資訊行為研究多著眼於工作情境,較少探討休閒娛樂之情境。因此,隨興休閒資訊行為研究相對缺乏。本研究以大學生為研究對象,探討他們在隨興休閒情境下觀看線上影音節目之資訊行為特徵,希望透過更全面的視角,檢視非明確目標導向的資訊行為,以獲得更深層的認識。本研究採用日誌法和深度訪談法蒐集實徵資料,參與者共計24 位,女性15 位,男性9 位。本研究採用紮根理論為資料分析取向,分析72 則日誌,24 份訪談稿。研究發現,我們可以以時間作為隨興休閒資訊行為的情境,由觀看前、觀看過程、觀看後三個階段分析資訊行為。觀看過程中,認知、情感和行為的交揉互動引發資訊需求和尋求行為。資訊行為延伸到觀看後並帶來認知上的改變。


The majority of information behavior and information seeking theories and studies focus on task‐based scenarios where users try to resolve information needs. The studies that focus on casual‐leisure scenarios that are typically motivated by hedonistic needs rather than information need are seldom. This study describes undergraduate casual‐leisure information behaviors on online videos. Diary and depth‐interview were used to collect date, 24 undergraduate participated in this study (9 males, 15 females and aged 18‐22). This study extend the model of casual‐leisure information behavior and contributes new insights into user's experience in casual‐leisure settings, such as online video programs, which has implications for other information domain.


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王鉦勛(2023)。社會議題型YouTube自媒體創作者之資訊行為: 以《志祺七七X圖文不符》為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU202303782
