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The Effects of Various Curvature of a Computer Mouse on Loading ofthe Carpal Tunnel in Computer Tasks


電腦滑鼠普遍應用於職場及個人生活中,使用滑鼠時手部的重覆動作,造成腕隧道過大的壓力,引發上肢最常見的肌肉骨骼神經問題-腕隧道症候群(Carpal tunnel syndrome)。本研究以10位常用滑鼠 者為受測對象,平均年齡20.3歲(18歲至25歲,三位男性七位女性)手部功能正常無肌肉骨骼傷害的年輕健康受測者,使用三種不同曲度(分別為高曲度46度,中曲度38度以及低曲度28度)、重量相 同(140克)的市售滑鼠進行點擊的測驗。利用Matlab軟體自製程式,在螢幕出現8個環形排列的按 鈕與一個起始按鈕的程式,記錄起始按鈕至任一(隨機出現)按鈕點擊所需的時間,經由攝影影像擷取矢狀面手腕動作角度,以及手指壓力量測系統(Grip TM System)紀錄手指壓力量,並以指壓力量推算分析手腕壓力,最後以單因子重複量測變異數分析(One way Repeat Measure ANOVA)統計方法比較各種不同曲度的滑鼠對滑鼠的點擊時間、點擊力量與腕隧道壓力的影響。實驗結果發現,滑鼠背側曲度較大或較小都會影響點擊時間、點擊力量與腕隧道壓力,點擊時間分別為高曲度滑鼠0.71±0.1(秒),中曲度滑鼠0.63±0.09(秒)以及低曲度滑鼠0.74±0.11(秒),點擊力量在高曲度滑鼠0.82±0.22(N)、中曲 度滑鼠0.54±0.14(N)以及低曲度滑鼠0.82±0.18(N) (p<0.05),對手腕產生的腕隧道壓力分別為高曲度滑鼠0.17±0.05(MPa)、中曲度滑鼠0.12±0.03(MPa)以及低曲度滑鼠0.18±0.04 (MPa) (p<0.05),因此使用滑鼠整體建議會使用滑鼠背側曲度適中的滑鼠。


The computer mouse was commonly used in workplace and daily life. The repeated movement in the mouse causes the high pressure in carpal tunnel of wrist joint, leading the commonly seen neuro musculoskeletal disorders of the upper extremity, Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Ten young healthy computer mouse users without musculoskeletal disorders (3 males and 7 females), range 18-25 in age (mean 20.3 year old), were instructed to execute point-and-click task with three different curvature mice (the arc curvatures were 46, 38 and 26 degrees for mouse A, B and C respectively and the similar weight (140 g)). Self-established program with Matlab was used to build eight targets arranged in a circle and one start button in the computer screen, recording the reaction time from start to each randomly appeared target. The wrist range of motion in sagittal plane was measured by photograph, and finger click force was acquired by the finger pressure measure system (Grip TM System). These two data were combined to analyze the carpal tunnel pressure. One way repeated measure ANOVA was used to investigate the effects of various mouse on the on the reaction time, finger force and carpal tunnel pressure for determining the most appropriate computer mouse for prolonged using, or the harmless computer mouse to mouse users. The results showed that various curvatures would significantly affect the reaction time, reaction force, and carpal tunnel pressure. For large curvature, normal curvature and small curvature mice, the reaction time was 0.71±0.1(s), 0.63±0.9(s), and 0.74±0.11(s), respectively. The reaction force was 0.82±0.22(N), 0.54±0.14(N), and 0.82±0.18(N) (p<0.05), respectively, and the carpal tunnel pressure was 0.17±0.05(MPa), 0.12±0.03(MPa), and 0.18±0.04(MPa) (p<0.05), respectively. As the above results, we suggest that the normal curvature of computer mouse is better for reducing the wrist pressure and preventing from Carpal tunnel syndrome.
