  • 期刊

A Note on Taiwan's Business Chronologies in Terms of the Markov-Switching Factor Model





This paper investigates the business cycle characteristics in Taiwan. We want to resolve the identification puzzle of Taiwan's business chronologies, and adopt two alternative approach to accomplish this job. First, we revise Hamilton's (1989) Markov-switching model to search another better one. Second, since previous empirical studies have witnessed the failure of GDP in capturing Taiwan's business cycles, we replace GDP with other important macroeconomic series to capture Taiwan's business cycle fluctuations. We show that the univariate Markov-switching factor model in dating business chronologies will be more consistent with the CEPD-defined business chronologies than that of the multivariate case. The key point is the common factor of various marcoeconomic series no longer hold for the post-1990s in Taiwan. However, the univariate factor model with regime-switching in terms of real gross domestic fixed capital formation still preserve the ability to track Taiwan's business fluctuations even in the late-1990s.


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