  • 期刊


Reinvestigating the Influence of the Railroad on Agricultural Production in Early 20th Century Taiwan




Railroads constructed in early 20th century Taiwan reduced transportation costs promoting trade in the surrounding areas and improving the level of agricultural output. This study aims to test this hypothesis by utilizing a detailed data set consisting of more than two thousand villages in Taiwan surveyed around 1903 and 1915. The empirical findings show the effect of established stations that opened before 1903 on land productivity was insignificant during 1903-1915. However, land productivity in villages near new stations opening during 1903-1915 increased more than that of other villages during the same period. Moreover, based on the estimation of an agricultural production function with Cobb-Douglas form, the total value of output of the villages nearest to new stations increased more than 20% during 1903-1915 while production inputs remained constant. These results indicate railroad construction improved the level of agricultural output.


railroad agriculture Taiwan economic history GIS


王石鵬 (1908),《祝鐵道全通式》, 1908 年 10 月 24 日, 台北: 漢文台灣日日新報。(Wang, Shi-Peng (1908), “Zhu Tiedao Quan Tong Shi”, Hanwen Taiwan Ri Ri Xin Bao (24 October), Taipei: Taiwan Ri Ri Xin Baoshe.)
台灣總督府官房統計課 (1917),《台灣總督府第十九統計書》,台灣總督府官房統計課。(Taiwan Soutoku Fu Dai Jukyu Toukei Sho (1917), Taiwan Soutoku Fu Kanbou Bunsho Ka.)
台灣總督府官房臨時戸口調査部 (1917),《第二次臨時台灣戸口調査概覽表》,台灣總督府官房臨時戸口調査部。(Dainiji Rinji Taiwan Kokou Chousa Gairan Hyou (1917), Taiwan Soutoku Fu Kanbou Rinji Kokou Chousa Bu.)
台灣總督府官房臨時戸口調査部 (1918),《第二次臨時台灣戸口調査結果表》,台灣總督府官房臨時戸口調査部。(Dainiji Rinji Taiwan Kokou Chousa Kekka Hyou (1918), Taiwan Soutoku Fu Kanbou Rinji Kokou Chousa Bu.)
台灣總督府財務局 (1920),《台灣地租等則修正事業成績報告書》,台灣總督府財務局。(Taiwan Chiso Tousoku Shusei Jigyou Seiseki Houkoku Sho (1920), Taiwan Soutoku Fu Zaimu Kyoku.)
