

背景:嗅覺檢查有許多種,然至今仍未有一公認標準,嗅覺檢查採用的方法包括嗅覺閾、嗅覺分辨、嗅覺認知。Sniffin' Sticks嗅覺檢查包含此3種嗅覺功能評估方法,相當完備。本報告即探討此套嗅覺檢查用於評估嗅覺全失者的經驗。 方法:以32名嗅覺全失者及40名嗅覺正常者為對象。嗅覺全失者之診斷,包括詳細病史、理學檢查及T&T嗅覺檢查或苯基乙醇(2-phenylehthanol)嗅覺閾檢查。2組之年齡、性別無統計上之差異。所有對象均接受Sniffin' Sticks嗅覺檢查,來評估嗅覺閾、嗅覺分辨及嗅覺認知能力。正常對照組於1星期後再重複1次Sniffin' Sticks嗅覺檢查。 結果:Sniffin' Sticks的嗅覺閾、嗅覺分辨、嗅覺認知值及TDI值,在嗅覺全失者與正常人間皆有顯著差異。正常人之第10百分位數分別為6.0、10.0、12.0及30.1,而嗅覺全失者之第90百分位數分別為1.0、7.7、7.7、15.0。 結論:Sniffin' Sticks嗅覺檢查相當完備,為評估嗅覺功能及鑑定嗅覺的一個優良工具。


BACKGROUND: Although there are various olfactory function tests, no consensus has been reached on the assessment of olfactory function. The methods of assessment of olfactory function include olfactory threshold, discrimination, and identification tests. The Sniffin' Sticks olfactory test is particularly useful because it includes all three methods of olfactory function assessment. Here we present our clinical experience using the Sniffin' Sticks olfactory test. METHODS: Thirty two anosmic patients and forty individuals with normal olfactory function served as normal controls were enrolled in the study. The diagnosis of anosmia was made by each patient's history, physical examination and psychophysical olfactory tests, such as the T&T olfactometer or the phenylethanol threshold test. There were no significant differences in age or gender between the anosmic patients and normal controls. The olfactory threshold, discrimination and identification abilities of patients and normal controls were evaluated with the Sniffin' Sticks olfactory test, and retest was performed one week later on the normal controls. RESULTS: There were significant differences between the anosmic patients and normal controls in olfactory threshold, discrimination and identification as evaluated with the Sniffin' Sticks test. The 10th percentile scores of olfactory threshold, discrimination, identification and TDI in the normal controls were 6.0, 10.0, 12.0 and 30.1, respectively. The 90th percentile scores of olfactory threshold, discrimination, identification and TDI in the anosmic patients were 1.0, 7.7, 7.7 and 15.0, respectively. We believed that these results would provide a reference for the diagnosis of anosmia. CONCLUSIONS: The Sniffin' Sticks olfactory test was a well-developed olfactory function test and a useful tool for the diagnosis of anosmic patients.


