



BACKGROUND: Foreign body mis-swallowing is a common otorhinolaryngological emergency event. The study aimed to explore the clinical correlation of upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) foreign body ingestion (FBI). METHODS: The medical records of 515 patients who visited the National Cheng Kung University Hospital Emergency Department with UADT foreign body ingestion during July, 2015 to December, 2015 were retrospectively reviewed. Data on age, examinations, foreign body types, UADT subsites, removal methods and complications were collected. RESULTS: Among the 515 patients, 24 (4.7%) were highly suspicious for FBI but refused further management, 236 (45.8%) had no evidence of FBI. The average age of patients without evidence of FBI was significantly younger than that of patients who were highly suspicious of FBI or underwent foreign body (FB) removal (p < 0.05). Two hundred fifty-five patients (49.5%) had FB removed. There were 137 males (53.7%) and 118 females (46.3%) and fish bone was the most common type of FB. The most common location of the foreign bodies was tongue base followed by tonsil, esophagus, hypopharynx, and larynx. The average age of patients with tonsillar FB was significantly younger than that of patients with FB at the other UADT subsites (p < 0.0001). More female and older age cases had hypopharyngeal or esophageal FBI. Five patients (0.97%) had serious complications correlated due to FBI or corresponding medical procedures but recovered without sequelae. CONCLUSION: About half of the UADT FBI patients had FB removed and the most common UADT location was tongue base, tonsil, and esophagus. FBI-related complications were less common but needed meticulous consideration.


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