  • 期刊


A Study on Antibiotics Use among Out-Patient Clinics of Labor Insurers in Taiwan


為瞭解勞保門診病人抗微生物藥劑之使用情形,自了國70年金年2,700多萬張勞保門診處方中,以分層系統隨機抽樣方法,抽得3,567張門診處方,加以分析研究,主要結果如下: 1.超過一半之勞保門診病人均給予至少1種抗生素。約4分之1給予注射型抗生素。 2.在給予抗生素者中,30.7%給予2種及2種以土之抗生素,又同一種抗生素同時給予口服及注射者,亦極為普遍。 3.絕大多數(74.3%)之上呼吸道感染病人均給予至少1種抗生素。 4.Ampicillin是最常用之抗生素,此與其他國家之抗生素使用情形相類同。毒性及副作用較多而應儘量限制使用之氯徵素(為第4最常使用)之抗生素(佔10.6%)。若僅以針劑觀之,則氯徵素之使用率高達第2位(19.4%)。此藥之針劑泛用於上呼吸道感染之病人。 由以上結果顯示抗生素在台灣地區已被濫用。完整的祭品監視系統,執業醫師的用藥繼續教育,公衆的用藥衛生教育均急需加強,以促進我國國民健康。




In order to investigate the use of antimicrobial drugs among labor insurers, a sample of 3567 prescriptions selected by stratified systematic sampling from a total of 27 million out-patient visits in 1981 were studied. Main findings are as follows: (1)About one-half of the OPD patients were prescribed with antibiotics and about a quarter of them were given by injection. (2)Among those given with antibiotics, 30.7% were prescribed with two or more kinds. It was a popular practice that drugs were given in both oral and parenteral administrations. (3)Among those upper respiratory infection (URI) patients, 74.3% were given with antibiotics. (4)Ampicillin was the most commonly used antibiotics, this situation was the same as in many other countries. Chloramphenicol, an antibiotics with high toxicity and many side effects and used under severe restricted conditions in many countries, was the fourth commonly prescribed antibiotics (10.6%). Moreover, it turned out the second commonly used injectable antibiotics (19.4%), and most of the time this drug was given to the URI patients. From the above findings, antibiotics was obviously abused by the medical clinicians in Taiwan. A comprehensive drug surveillance system, continuing education of practictioner on drug use, and health education of general public regarding drug virtues are urgently needed in order to promote the health of public.


Drug abuse Antibitics Labor insurance
