

為了初步探討造成智能不足兒童之危險因素,及了解智能不足兒童接受治療、復健、及教育舫情形,我們對台北市收容輕度智能不足的國民中、小學抽選樣本舉辦家長問卷調查,及對失學的中度及重度智能不足兒童到收容的育幼院實施採血樣檢查。 從調查結果顯示,智能不足兒童之母觀於懷孕期間曾經遭受之危險因子以照射X光最多,佔5.5%,其次為產前出血,佔5.1%,再者為德國麻疹0.7%,孕毒症0.3%:而兒童在出生一個月內曾經發生的疾病以發燒39℃以上為最多,佔15.4%,其次為生產過程中受傷而引起缺氧,8.6%,再者為抽痞5.8%,黃疸5.1%,腦炎2.4%,腦受傷2.4%;孩童在出生一個月以復曾經發生過飴疾病仍以發燒在39℃以上者為最多,佔14.4%,其次為腦受傷7.9%,再者為痙孿7.5%,腦炎2.4%,發紺1.0%,甲狀腺功能不足1.0%。而抽血檢驗的結果,只發現2名個業疑似甲狀腺功能低下。 由於所採樣本數不多,因此本研究所得結果僅可作初步之參考,無法對相關因素作推論性的判斷。




A Preliminary Study of Risk Factors of Mental Refarded Children in Taipei In order to elucidate the risk factors of mental retardation, a total 292 mildly retarded children and 275 moderately and severely retarded children were studied. For those mildly retarded children, a carefully edited questionnaire. was employed to inquire mothers with regards to the possible risk factors in the development of the retardation. For those moderately and severely retarded institutionalized children, blood specimens were obtained to examine the association between inborn error metabolism and moderate or severe retardation. The main results are as followings: 1. During the pre-natal period irradiation (5.5%), pre-natal bleeding (5.1%), German Measles (0.7%), and eclampsia (0.3%) was found to be associated with the mild retardation. 2. Within the first month after birth, the following possible risk events of mild retardation were observed, fever over 39℃ (15.4%), hypoxia (8.6%) convulsion (5.8%), jaundice (5.1%), meningitis (2.4%), and brain injury (2.4%). 3.After the age of one month, fever over 39℃ (14.4%), brain injury (7.9%), convulsion (7.5%), meningitis (2.4%), cyanosis (1.0%), and hypothyroidism (1.0%) were related to the mild retardation. 4. Only t of the 275 moderately and severely retarded chi ldren's blood specimens were suspected to have hypothyroidism. This retrospective preliminary findings may serve as a pilot study of a larger, more sophisticated, better designed and better defined prospective study ot the risk factors of mental retadation in Taiwan.


