  • 期刊


Comparision of Health Behavior Beliefs between Chinese and American Physicians


促進健康的行爲與罹病率及死亡率的降低有關連。而醫師被認爲是衛生保健諮詢的最佳、最可靠的來源之一。因此,醫師本身的觀念如何,頗值得令人關心。 美國馬利蘭大學醫學院於1983年,曾對1,040位醫師進行25項促使行爲的信念做調查研究,並依其重要性作先後排列比較,頗饒趣味。 本研究係依照同樣的25項保健行爲,稍加修正以符合國情,對全台灣地區醫師(12,710名)中,按縣市別各隨機抽出15.3%爲樣本,合計1,950人,寄出問巷調查,回收者有382人,回收丰爲19.6%。在回收的382人中,男性佔了96%;乎均年齡爲53歲;執業科別以內、兒科最多,佔21.2%,而內科次之,爲19.6%;乎均執業年數爲18.7年。 中美雙方醫師比較結果,二者情形頗爲相近(r(下標 s)=0.71)。我方認爲最重要的前四分之一(六項)依次爲:①維持攝食均衡的食物、②使用汽車安全帶、③對有害物質應加裝防範設備、④連免過度精神壓力、⑤對藥物的常識、及⑥戒抽香菸。而美方最重要的六項與我方相同的便有五項之多。至於最不重要的六項,中美雙方竟然完全相同,僅先後次序稍有差異而已。 由上可知,在相同的西醫教育系統下,中美雙方醫師對於衛生保健觀念,如出一轍,頗爲相似。




It is generally regarded that physicians are the best and most credible source of health information. A variety of health promoting behaviors have been shown to be associated with decreased mortality and morbidity. It is interesting to know about physicians' beliefs regarding the importance of health promoting behaviors. In 1983, 1,040 primary care physicians in the US (Maryland) rated their beliefs about the importance of 25 behaviors for promoting the health of the average person. We conducted a mailed questionaire survey in July 1987 by a stratified random sample (15.3%) out of 12,710 physicians in Taiwan. We obtained a response rate of 19.6% (n=382). Comparing the Chinese physicians with the American ones, it was found that they share a similar pattern (r(subscript s)=0.7 1). The most important 6 behaviors listed by the Chinese respondents were: (1) Eat a balanced diet, (2) Always use seat belts or wear helmets, (3) Protective equipment against harmful substances, (4) Avoid undue stress, (5) Knowledge about drugs, and (6) Eliminate cigarette smoking. The US physicians also regarded 5 out of these 6 items as most important except the item of ”Avoid undue stress”. Both Chinese and American physicians agreed at the 6 ”very unimportant” behaviors, except difference in their orders of ranking. This study indicated that there is probably no significant difference in weighting the importance of health behavior beliefs between Chinese and American physicians.
