  • 期刊

Needs Assessment of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Taiwan



目標:評估及比較北台灣地區在愛滋病特別門診、監獄及中途之家的愛滋病病人需求的內容及差異。方法:自2005年12月至2006年6月,自台北市立醫院愛滋病特別門診、桃園監獄、及兩處愛滋病中途之家共收取367名愛滋病病患作為研究之樣本。以SPSS 12版統計軟體進行問卷資料的統計分析。結果:結果顯示1/3的受訪者不知道自已的CD4指數(32%)及病毒量(37.8%)。來自健康照顧工作者及一般民眾的支持是受訪者最需要的。中途之家的受訪者最需要經濟上的補助、交通工具、及良好的人際關係,且在生理及精神上特別脆弱。中途之家及監獄內的愛滋病病人傾向於需要更多的精神上的支持及社會服務的協助。受訪者基本存活的重要因素包括有營養、雞尾酒療法、運動、家人的照顧及同儕的支持。工作對中途之家的病人似乎格外重要。結論:本研究結果顯示應提供更多的諮商及相關訊息給這些病患。事實上監獄中的愛滋病病人從未接受CD4計數及病毒含量測試,建議監獄裏應該提供這類檢查。


需求 評估 愛滋病病人 台灣 中途之家


Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess and compare the needs of HIV/AIDS patients in outpatient clinics, prisons and residential care facilities in northern of Taiwan. Methods: From December 2005 to April 2006, 367 people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs) from the outpatient special AIDS clinics of the Taipei City Hospital, Taipei Detention Centers and Tao Yuan Prisons and two residential care facilities in Taipei participated in this study. The data was analyzed using the Statistical Package of Social Sciences version 12. Results: The results showed that one-third of the all the participants were unaware of their CD4 count (32%) and their viral load (37.8%). Moreover, support from health care workers and personal support were identified as the most important needs among PLWHAs. The following items were listed among PLWHAs from the residential care facilities: financial assistance, transportation, and personal relations. The perceived physical and psychological health was particularly weak among PLWHAs in residential care facilities. Patients in residential care facilities and prisons tended to have higher levels of psychological and social needs. The survival strategies were mostly based on nutrition, antiretroviral therapy, exercise, family care and peer support, however, work seemed to be very important for patients living in residential care facilities. Conclusions: Results of this research projects shown that more counseling and information should be provided to the patients. The fact that most of the patients in prisons have never received CD4 count and the viral load tests indicates that these tests should be provided in prisons.


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