  • 期刊


An initiative on the safety and management of food flavorings in Taiwan


香料在食品加工及家庭烹調常用來增強食品的風味,然而隨著消費者保護意識的抬頭,香料的食用安全性已成為社會大眾所關注的民生議題。世界各國對食品香料的管理法規雖不一致,但美國香料及萃取物製造協會(Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association, FEMA)的香料安全評價結果為重要參考,現今香料經FEMA評價為安全而列為FEMA GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe)香料者接近3,000品項。惟目前我國表列合法的食品香料僅有90品項,雖然安全資料亦主要來自FEMA,且該些列管人工香料物質的安全性都有經過檢視,照說在合理劑量下人工香料是安全的;但是從另一個角度而言,我國現行法規並未明確訂定香料的完整品項及其使用劑量,且對香料的管理主要都是參考國外的法規,缺少國人的攝取資料進行安全風險確認,以致風險評估尚無法完全落實。為使我國標準與國際接軌,衛生福利部刻正修訂「香料品項建議清單(草案)」,研議增加香料項目。未來也建議建立香料安全評估標準,進行風險評估,落實香料單體化合物品項之即時納管及其安全性評估,以確保食品香料使用的安全性。


Food flavorings are preparations widely used for food processing and home cooking to enhance the smell and taste of food. Because of increasing demand for consumer protection, the general population has recently paid much greater attention to the safety of food flavors. Legislation controlling the use of food flavors vary among countries. The US Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association (FEMA) has evaluated and approved near 3,000 substances as FEMA GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) flavors. In Taiwan, there are only 90 items of food flavorings complying with the safety rules of the US FEMA, and Taiwan FDA has officially approved these substances for use as food flavors. Currently, many of flavors used in food businesses and industries, and home cooks remain unevaluated and not fully regulated in Taiwan. Information on daily intakes or exposures to these flavorings are yet unavailable for a risk assessment. In line with the international standards, the Ministry of Health and Welfare has started to propose an updated additive list with a greater variety of flavors. To better consolidate the safety of food flavoring use in Taiwan, it is imperative in the future to update the items of food flavorings for control and to establish the safety criteria by conducting a risk assessment for all flavoring substances.


food safety food flavoring FEMA toxicity safety assessment


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