

網際網路之興起,使得民眾得以隨時搜尋各層面之醫療資訊,同時亦改變了人際溝通之模式,亦即民眾可以在社群團體中,與涵蓋所有次文化的使用者,經由即時性的互動,獲取並交換訊息已有研究顯示,許多健康照護目標,都可經由網路介入計畫,而獲得改善。然而有關心理衛生,則尚在起步之階段。本研究之目的,在探討網際網路之使用對自殺行為之效應。本研究以suicide、suicide prevention、Intemet、Intemet addiction、social network、suicide prevention、suicide intervention及web-based psychological intervention為關鍵字,搜尋自2000至2018年6月底,於資料庫Cochrane Library、PubMed、Medline及PsycINFO之文獻,並由搜尋出文獻之索引,找出相關資料進行分析,並提出建議,對於有憂鬱或焦慮之使用者,網際網路之使用與自殺率上升有正相關。而經由心理衛生專業人員經由網路提供諮商,進行認知行為治療,以及擔任如守門人角色之網路網站管理員,都能形成有效之保護因子。隨著網際網路科技之日新月異,良好的心理衛生工作,對民眾之需求評估,必需能掌握時效性。心理衛生計劃,必需走在時代發展之尖端,始能整合相關知識,規劃符合國情之自殺防治策略與具體措施,以適時看效地防危杜漸,落實自殺防治工作。


Social media is a relatively new phenomenon that has swept the world during the past decade. Social media has become fundamental in the way many people and organizations communicate and share opinions, ideas, and information. Suicidal behavior is a common and severe health problem around the world. Internet use has been related to an increase in suicidal behaviors, but few studies have focused on the potential benefits of Internet use for preventing self-harm and suicide. The ultimate goal of this study was to analyze the Internet use and suicidal behaviors. We proposed some efforts that could be made in this preventive measure. We reviewed the existing literature on the relationship between suicide and Internet use. Using key words: suicide, suicide prevention, Internet, Internet addiction, social network, suicide prevention, suicide intervention and web-based psychological intervention from 2000 to 2018, we searched literatures in the database Cochrane Library, PubMed, Medline, and PsycINFO. Recommendations were made based on information gathered from an integrated analysis. This study examined the effect of suicide-related Internet use on users' suicidal ideation and suicidal attempt. The greater Internet users' suicidal ideation and feelings of depression and loneliness, the more they used the Internet. Therefore, further studies of the effects of behaviors such as communicating with supportive professionals via the Internet on mental health are needed in order to enhance effective Internet suicide-prevention services in the future. As the media become ever more present in our lives, preventative measures must be initiated, as well as research into new ways of minimizing aggressive and harmful behavior in the general population. Although we believe that suicide prevention strategies should incorporate the Internet, they should not be exclusively limited to the Internet communication technologies, but rather, as far as possible, they should aim to incorporate the multiple mediating factors (individual, interpersonal, communitarian, and social) that are inherently associated with Internet use.


Wu CY, Lee MB, Liao SC, et al: Risk factors of Internet addiction among Internet users: An online questionnaire survey. PLoS ONE 2015;10: e0137506. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0137506
Sueki H: The effect of suicide-related Internet use on users' mental health. Crisis 2013;34:348-53. doi: 10.1027/0227-5910/a000201
Sueki H: The association of suicide-related Twitter use with suicidal behaviour: A cross-sectional study of young Internet users in Japan. J Affect Disord 2015;170:155-60. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2014.08.047
Chou W, Prestin A, Lyons C, et al: Web 2.0 for health promotion: reviewing the current evidence. Am J Public Health 2013;103:e9-e18. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2012.301071
Luxton D, June J, Fairall J: Social media and suicide: a public health perspective. Am J Public Health 2012;102(S2):S195-S200. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2011.300608

