  • 學位論文


The Strategy of Foxconn for Acquisition of Sharp

指導教授 : 陳忠仁


鴻海於 2016 年正式併購日本大廠夏普,此次跨國的大型併購案引起了全球 的關注,鴻海自成立之初即積極以併購擴大公司基礎資源,並且藉由水平垂直整 合強化其核心競爭優勢。在專業電子代工領域,鴻海以低價、高彈性出貨等能力 成為全世界最大的專業電子代工廠商。 2010 年,鴻海的「眼球計畫」才見諸於新聞報導,然早在 2003 年鴻海即成 立了群創做為自有的面板製造廠,並且在 2009 年與奇美電子、統寶光電合併, 一躍成為世界液晶面板生產的領導廠商。然而隨著面板的需求不斷提升以及面板 所使用的技術不斷的演進,鴻海集團不斷的想要擴大自身的技術能力以及增加其 面板生產線,除了成立新的公司以及分拆旗下資源重新整合外,鴻海也將目光放 向了現有的面板生產商。 夏普與鴻海的合併案自 2012 年起即開始談判,中間雖然經過許多波折,然 而鴻海最終還是於 2016 年購併了夏普。除了獲得一直以來所希望的 OLED 等面 板技術外,也同時獲得了夏普的品牌以及夏普旗下的家電、消費性電子產品等產品品項,作為一個品牌門外漢,鴻海是否有能力經營夏普超過百年的品牌呢。 本研究從夏普與鴻海所在的產業開始,藉由了解此兩間公司所處產業的特性以及所需要的能力後,探討此次購併是否能夠為兩間公司創造更大的核心競爭優勢,同時也藉由了解此兩間公司目前所擁有的基礎資源與競爭優勢,探討在合併後可行的策略與未來的方展方向。


面板產業 專業電子代工 合併 鴻海 夏普


2016, Foxconn acquired the Japanese electronics company Sharp. This acquisition got attention from all over the world. Since the Foxconn been founded, the company has acquired many companies to expand the business map with vertical and horizontal integration. Foxconn is now the biggest EMS (Electronics Manufacturing Services) company in the world with their lower cost and better quality. Although “ the Eye Ball project”been reported till 2010, Foxconn founded their panel manufacture subsidiary Innolux in 2003. By merged Chi Mei Optoelectronics Corporation and TPO Displays, Innolux has been the leader company in the panel industry. However, with the advance of science and technology, Foxconn has to find another way to compete with other company. Foxconn and Sharp had negotiated since 2012. Though it seemed failed in 2013, Foxconn acquired Sharp in 2016. Foxconn obtained not only the patents of panel but also the brand of Sharp. It is a question if Foxconn can manage the brand with hundred years history. This thesis will analyze the M & A case of Foxconn acquired Sharp from the industry and the companies ability. By acknowledging the core competence and Basic resources of these company, we can understand if this acquisition is beneficial for both companies.


Panel industry EMS M&A Foxconn Sharp


一、 中文資料
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3. 張殿文(2008)。虎與狐:郭台銘的全球競爭策略。台北市:天下文化。
4. 林佑純等譯,中田行彥著(2016)。鴻海為什麼贏得夏普。台北市:城邦商業周刊。
