  • 學位論文


The Right to Initiating on Referendum under the Constitutional System in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張國聖 邱榮舉


在整個公民的投票過程中,扮演最關鍵的角色即為公民投票發動者,擁有公民投票發動權,就掌握了發動的權利與議題的設定,甚至可以影響公民投票的結果。從國內外對公民投票實踐過程的研究中,可以發現不同機關所發動的公民投票其背後的政治動機與期待公民投票所能扮演之功能皆有不同。而公民投票發動權在我國憲法秩序下將如何展現、有何限制即為本論文之研究重點。 本論文採取的研究途徑主要以法制研究途徑為主,歷史研究途徑為輔助,並藉由文獻分析法和比較研究法來處理公民投票在憲法體制下的問題。就本論文的架構而言,分為緒論、本論及結論三部分,本論部分,首先由第一章分析公民投票之理論基礎,之後第二章與第三章以前述之理論基礎分析公民投票發動權之憲法保留程度,再以「發動機關」及「公投適用事項」相互對照模式,將憲法所容許之類型與發動機關做比對,找出憲法架構下那些機關所發動之特定類型公投,受到憲法以憲法保留之方式先天預設或限制,在我國憲法秩序下成為特定議題之發動機關或已被排除其發動公投權力,進而歸納出我國憲法體制下公投發動權之歸屬。最後第四章乃藉由對實際公民投票案例之研究,從法制面與舉辦公民投票的實證經驗兩方面對《公民投票法》有關發動權部分加以分析並提出修正上之建議。 結論部分,本論文認為在全國性公民投票中,僅總統、立法院、人民於憲法體制下有權發動公民投票,惟總統之發動限基於緊急權之非常時期,在發動公投無法解決問題之情況下於立法政策面應加以排除;立法院則僅有在基於補充性時始得對法律案發動公投;故人民才是公民投票發動權的重心,因此在立法政策上亦應以人民擁有公民投票發動權為主對公民投票法制加以建構。


The key to referendum is by whom such mechanism can be initiated. The initiator has discretion as to whether to exercise such right and how to set up the referendum topic of a particular issue. Such discretion given to the initiator may even affect the outcome of the referendum. Based on the domestic and international researches on referendum, it is found that the political motive behind referendum and the expected function on referendum vary from the party in whom the right to initiate is vested. This essay emphasizes on how the right to initiate will function and the restriction, if any, to the right to initiate under the constitutional system in Taiwan. The approach adopted by this essay is Legalistic Approach, for the most part, and Historical Approach, as a supplement. This essay also works on the issues of referendum under the constitutional system by Document Analysis and Comparative Method. This essay can be divided into three parts: Introduction, Article, and Conclusion. In the Article, Chapter 1 discusses the basis of referendum; Chapter 2 and 3, based on the basis discussed in Chapter 1, analyze which type of referendum topic must be authorized by the Constitution. Chapter 2 and 3 further determine whether certain type of right to initiate, based on the type of referendum topic, is vested in or excluded from a certain party by comparing the type of referendum topic with the party who initiates the referendum. Chapter 2 and 3 will then conclude as to whom the right to initiate referendum belongs under the Constitution. By analyzing referendum actually held, Chapter 4 will analyze and make suggestion to the revision of right to initiate under the Taiwan Referendum Act from legal and empirical perspectives. In the Conclusion, this essay will come to a conclusion that only the President, Legislative Yuan and the People are entitled to initiate referendum under constitutional system. The President can only initiate referendum under extremely urgent situations; however, if such issues cannot be solved by referendum initiated by the President, then the right to initiate referendum with respect to such issues should be excluded from the President as a matter of legislative policy. The Legislative Yuan can only initiate referendum on legislation-related matters and only when it is necessary. As such, the People are the focus when the right to initiate referendum is concerned. Hence, as a matter of legislative policy, the Referendum Act shall be structured based on the understanding that the People are the holder of the right to initiate referendum.


謝明輝,〈2004年總統選舉中公民投票之政策過程研究 〉,國立台灣大學政治學系政府與公共事務碩士在職專班碩士論文,2005。


