  • 學位論文


The Discourse about Dogs in Modern Taiwan: Rabies, Purebred Dogs, and Stray Dogs

指導教授 : 畢恆達


本文探索台灣社會如何面對狗的生物性;社會對狗的生物性存在之考量,如何呈現日益複雜的納入與排除的要求。 本文選擇三個重要的人狗關係角度切入理解之。不同章節分別處理不同的關係主題:第二章探討人狗關係在近代衛生觀念下之變化,尤其聚焦於因應狂犬病的政策執行如何奠定近代國家狗事治理的過程;這段時間從1895年日本治台,到1930年代中日戰事興起之時。第三章探究狗的純種價值在台灣被建構的社會背景之始,以及繁殖流通機制建立的過程;時間接續第二章,從造就軍用犬特出地位的中日戰事興起之時,到繁殖業者炒作犬價失靈的1982年狗年前後。第四章描繪流浪犬與民間救助者之間的人狗圖像,並聚焦於「街頭餵養」這項救助行為,從中了解社會上逐漸出現同情流浪犬與反省氣氛的背景,時間約從1982年狗年至今。


狂犬病 純種 流浪犬 街頭餵養


This monograph aims to account for how Taiwan society’s concern for dogs gets complicated. In order to trace the origins of the ways our society deals with dogs, I select three significant human-dogs relationships as focuses, discussing them in respective chapters. Chapter Two explores the change of human-dogs relationship under the modern idea and institution of hygiene, especially how the policy on rabies forms the infrastructure for modern nation-state’s governance of dogs. This period ranges from Japan’s colonization of Taiwan at 1895 to Sino-Japanese War during 1930s. Chapter Three reveals the ideological and social construction of evaluation and appreciation of purebred dogs, along with the establishment of the market for artificial propagation, exchange, and sales of dogs. This process follows Sino-Japanese War in 1930s, during which the significance of military dogs is raised, and ends at 1980s when the dogs market fails in its business speculation. Chapter Four portrays the relation between stray-dogs and rescue communities, focusing on the action of feeding stray animals. The action of rescuing stray-dogs implies that, from 1982 to this day, there emerges the society’s sympathy for dogs and its reflection on its attitudes toward animals. Except for the account for the complication of ideas about dogs in Taiwan society, this monograph will at last go further and point out the limits to the ways of the construction of understanding of dogs, classifications, positioning dogs by imposing identities, and in turn re-construction of people’s understanding of them.


?甯K縣志(1960),臺北:臺灣銀行經濟研究室,臺灣文獻叢刊第75種,,卷九 物產(鹽法),頁 175 。
黃宗慧(2008)劉克襄《野狗之丘》的動保意義初探:以德希達之動物觀為參照起點。中外文學 37:1(2008年3月):81-115。
劉士永(2001)「清潔」、「衛生」與「保健」--日治時期臺灣社會公共衛生觀念之轉變。臺灣史研究 8:1,41-88。


