  • 學位論文


The Co-opetition Analysis of Graphic Chip Market

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


繪圖晶片(Graphic Process Unit,GPU)是目前電腦螢幕顯示輔助重要的功能之一,長久以來這方面的產品都是由美國的繪圖晶片大廠主導生產和規格制訂。全球個人電腦市的成長,帶動了繪圖晶片卡的銷售成長,也產生繪圖晶片的需求日增。原本2000年以前,根據Mercury Research的調查報告顯示,全球繪圖晶片卡市場,以超微(ATI)出貨量居冠;而英特爾(Intel)的整合式晶片則在桌上型電腦內插繪圖晶片卡上獨領風騷,高佔此市場四分之一以上的市佔率,由此可見此市場集中的情況。而2000年以後,由於多方廠商的加入,使得競爭狀況日趨激烈。2006年7月底,微處理器大廠超微(AMD),宣布以五十四億美元的代價,購併繪圖晶片大廠亞鼎(ATI),也使英特爾(Intel)、超微、與NVIDIA三方的競合關係出現重大變化。 本研究的主旨在探討全球繪圖晶片廠商的競合分析。首先藉由五力分析,了解產業動態與廠商競爭現況。接著採用賽局理論與價值網分析,以檢視繪圖晶片廠與處理器廠商,還有關鍵零組件供應商之間的競合關係。最後使用競合策略的改變賽局要素,也就是參賽者、附加價值、規則、戰術、及範圍,來分析廠商如何在既定的策略下,改變賽局,以獲取最大利益。 本研究結果發現,過去幾年以來,在全球繪圖晶片廠商的激戰中,合併及聯盟的動作,一直在持續的進行當中。每一家業者,都用盡了各種不同的策略,期望達到更高的市佔率。而由於產業的動態改變,繪圖晶片產業已不能單純被以單一產業的角度來看待,就連AMD與Intel也絕非百分之百的競爭對手了。就像NVIDIA原為AMD最大晶片組供應商,亦曾聯手痛擊Intel高階市場,但在AMD合併ATI後,亦使NVIDIA轉將更多的重心放至Intel平台上。所以,天下沒有永遠的敵人,亦沒有永遠的朋友,在如此高速成長及競爭的環境中,繪圖晶片廠商更應提高自身的競爭力,以求為客戶作到更有附加價值的服務。


Nowadays, Graphic Process Unit (GPU) is one of the important functions assisting computer screen monitoring. The large firms in the North America have dominated the process and the spec setting of the product for a long time. The prosperity of the PC industry stimulated the sales growth of GPU, and increased the demand for GPU. According to Mercury Research, ATI was the leader in the global GPU industry in 2002, and Intel, whose market share was up to 25%, won the market of the GPU inserted in the desktop. It is obvious that this is a very consolidated industry. However, the competition is getting more intensive after 2002 due to the entry of other firms. In the July of 2006, the news of AMD’s acquisition of ATI changed the co-opetition tremendously between Intel, AMD, and NVIDIA. The purpose of this research is to discuss the co-opetition between global GPU firms. First of all, we tried to understand the status quo of this industry through five-force model analysis. What’s more, we reviewed the relationship between the firms of GPU and processor, and the co-opetition between the suppliers of the key components using the game theory and value net analysis. In the end, we analyzed how a company gains its maximum profit subject to the given strategy. We changed different factors in the game theory — the participant, the added value, the rule, the tactic, and the scope — to find the solution to this question. After this study, we find out that the merge and acquisition are processing in the battle of global GPU firms in the last several years. Each and every firm tries their best to use various strategies in order to gain more market share. In addition, the dynamic of this industry pushed us to see it in a multiple perspective. After all, even the competition between AMD and Intel are not as intensive as before. For example, NVIDIA was the largest supplier of AMD’s chips, and both of them jointly fought the high-level market where Intel had dominated. Nevertheless, NVDIA put more focus on the platform of Intel after the acquisition of AMD and ATI. To sum up, there are no forever partnership and competition as well. The GPU firms should enhance their competitive advantages and provide g more value-added services for their customers in such a competitive environment. Key Words: Co-opetetion、Value Net、Five Force Analysis、Graphic Chip


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