  • 學位論文


Awareness and Attitudes toward Cancer Clinical Trials - Family Perspective

指導教授 : 賴 裕 和


本研究目的是探討癌症病人家屬對臨床試驗的察覺度、看法及態度與相關影響因素。針對實質性癌症病人家屬進行問巻調查,於98年5月到6月期間在北臺灣某醫學中心進行收案,使用問巻測量工具包括:家屬對癌症臨床試驗的察覺度及看法問巻、家屬對隨機臨床試驗態度問巻、中文版疾病不確定感量表及厄運感信念量表,共計收案87位癌症病人家屬。 研究結果如下:聽過臨床試驗的癌症病人家屬,對臨床試驗有較正確的認識。癌症病人家屬對參與臨床試驗的認知態度偏正向。家屬不支持病人參與臨床試驗,主要前三項理由為:以抽籤的方式決定治療方法、對參與臨床試驗可能會發生的事說明較少及醫師對臨床試驗的興趣高於治療家人的疾病;而支持病人參與臨床試驗的前三項理由為:參與臨床試驗能得到較仔細的治療資訊、臨床試驗的新治療有很大機會可治癒癌症及治療的醫師是這個領域的專家,是家屬支持病人參與臨床試驗的主要原因。家屬不支持病人參與臨床試驗的因素為:病人生活功能狀況較佳(介於80-100間)、病人癌症期別較輕、本身參與意願低的家屬、家屬對支持病人參與臨床試驗認知態度偏負向、認為參與試驗造成不便性及較無利他想法者。癌症病人家屬照顧病人時間愈長,家屬對參與臨床試驗造成不便性的考量態度愈低,對支持病人參與臨床試驗的意願愈高。 本研究結果期望提供臨床試驗的相關醫護人員,瞭解癌症病人家屬對臨床試驗的察覺度、想法及態度,針對錯誤或偏見部份加以說明,以確保病人及家屬在正確認知下決定是否參與臨床試驗。


The purpose of this study was to explore cancer patient families' awareness、perception, attitude and influential factors for cancer clinical trial participation. A cross sectional survey was undertaken among cancer patient family. A total of 86 subjects were recruited from a medical center in Northern Taiwan. This result of study revealed solid cancer families had better awareness of clinical trial. Their attitudes toward clinical trial participation were more positive. The major reasons declining to participate in clinical trials were : treatment being selected at random、less said in what happens on the clinical trial、the doctor seems more interested in the clinical trial than treating patients. And the major reasons to participate in clinical trials were : more detailed information about their family treatment on clinical trial、treatment given in the clinical trial may had a great chance of cure、the doctor was an expert in the field. Family more impact from the negative aspects of clinical trial and significantly less willing to enroll trial were patients with less disease stage、better performance status,. These finding of study might afford information about concern and prejudices for cancer clinical trial by families of cancer patient to clinical physicians, while enrolling these patients into clinical trials. These results might improved informing cancer patient and their family, and could also increase participation rate after realizing the purpose of clinical trial.


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