  • 學位論文


Adaptive Assembly of Heterogeneous Multi-touch Displays

指導教授 : 洪一平


近幾年來,經由觸控的方式來操作電腦已經帶給人類社會一個全新的互動概念,讓人們能用更直覺的方式來使用電腦。而多點觸控的裝置也被大量的生產與發展,在不久的將來,人人可能擁有一至多項這樣的觸控裝置在身邊。 在本篇論文中,我們藉由日常生活合併桌子的啟發,以及建構電視牆的原理,探討建立一個由數個多點觸控裝置螢幕集合拼湊成一較大的互動螢幕的可行技術與系統架構。同時在此架構下,提供一個快速且合理的拼貼機制使得這樣的互動顯示系統能夠更加靈活與具有彈性。最後,我們提供兩種這系統所能應用的情境,來了解這些應用所能帶來的影響與貢獻。


In recent years, to operate a computer by touch has been brought to human society; this concept introduces a new interaction so that people can use their computers in a more intuitive way. The multi-touch devices are now in a large amount of production and development, and in the near future, everyone may have one or more such devices. In this master thesis, inspired by the idea of putting tabletops together and the principle of large-scale display systems, we are discussing the technology and architecture of establishing a bigger interactive screen via assembling a collection of multi-touch displays. Meanwhile, under this framework, we represent a fast and reasonable mechanism for making such system to be more flexible. Finally, we provide two application scenarios to understand the impact and contribution of this work.


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