  • 學位論文


Study on the Optimal Design of Infiltration Gallery

指導教授 : 徐年盛


濁水溪流域下游沖積扇所需之用水日益增加,但濁水溪流量豐枯差異比大,地表水源無法完全滿足其用水需求,故需仰賴地下水源之供給,然而過度抽取沖積扇之地下水資源,已造成嚴重之地層下陷與海水倒灌等問題。有鑒於此,本研究以山區地下水資源作為替代水源,建立一個集水廊道最佳設計之優選模式,此模式以地下水位之洩降與集水管合理出水量為限制條件,有效利用山區地下水資源,達到兼顧區域用水需求與地下水位穩定之目標。 本研究首先利用MODFLOW建立一集水廊道附近地下水流數值模式,檢定與驗證其地下水流模式,並分別調整取水量與集水廊道設計因子以模擬地下水位之變化,再將已建構完成之地下水流數值模式產生資料以訓練地下水流類神經網路,模擬抽水、補注對地下水位之影響,並將其公式化納入限制式,本研究優選模式之目標函數為集水廊道營運之淨效益最大化,決策變數為集水廊道之管面寬度、管長以及營運期間每月之取水量,此優選模式能夠計算出取水對地下水位之影響,並藉由地下水位下降幅度與集水廊道重力取水條件下之滿管流量限制,優選出集水廊道之最佳設計與取水量。 本研究以濁水溪流域彰雲橋上游研究區域,應用所建立之集水廊道最佳設計優選模式,優選出集水廊道之最佳設計,因本研究考慮集水廊道興建成本,結果顯示集水廊道之設計並非管面寬度越寬、管長越長與埋設深度越深為佳,本研究區域集水廊道之最佳設計為埋設深度為24公尺、管面寬度為1公尺、管長為439公尺,集水廊道營運於20年內之總供水淨效益為29.60億元,平均每年取水量可達到1,360萬噸。


People living in Choushui alluvial fan located in central Taiwan rely on large quantity of pumping water as its public and irrigation demand. This significant dependency on groundwater has resulted in severe land subsidence in many coastal regions of the alluvial fan. Consequently, an efficient way to implement conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater is needed to prevent further groundwater overdraft. The study regard groundwater resources in mountain area as an alternative water source, and develop the simulation-optimization (S/O) model for best design of infiltration gallery. Drawdown limit of groundwater level and reasonable intake of infiltration gallery is considered as constraints in the optimization model. First, this study applies MODFLOW to simulate groundwater flow and fluctuation of the site near Chang-yun Bridge. Trained artificial neural networks (ANN) is embedded into the optimization model as constraints to simulate variation of groundwater level. In this paper, the objective function is to maximize the net benefits during the operation periods of infiltration gallery. The decision variables are the width, length, and monthly intake of infiltration gallery. The methodology is applied to the sites near Chang-yun Bridge. The proposed S/O model is developed for the best design for infiltration gallery. The results show the best design for infiltration gallery is 24 meters below surface, 1 meter wide, 439 meters long. The net benefits of best design is 2.960 billion NT dollar. The average annual quantity of water collected by infiltration gallery is 13.60 million tons.


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