  • 學位論文


The Motorcycle Use and Environmental Consciousness of College Students--A Case Study on College Students in Taipei

指導教授 : 許添本


過去隨台灣經濟成長,台灣的汽機車數量快速成長。縱使近年汽機車對空氣汙染與全球暖化造成的影響慢慢變的顯著,政府也開始推廣使用大眾運輸來替代私有運具,汽機車數量仍不斷增加。由於機車為台灣大學生最主用的通勤運輸工具,本研究希望從環境保護的角度出發,探討旅運社會化對大學生運具選擇的規範、習慣、與行為的影響,以期提出抑制機車使用的策略。 本研究對台北縣市有機車駕照的大學生進行抽樣問卷調查後,以統計檢定探討外在變項對機車使用的習慣、不使用的意圖、與機車使用行為是否有差異,並建立結構方程式模式探討探討「後果認知建立」、「同伴影響」、「駕照與自主」等三個旅運社會化構面,對於「社會規範」、「個人規範」、「習慣」、「意圖」、與「行為」等構面的影響。 T檢定與單因子變異數分析結果顯示,男性的機車使用習慣與行為都較女性高,而女性在不使用機車的意圖較男性高。持有駕照時間長短、學校距離捷運站步行時間的長短、以及父母是否會對子女騎乘機車有安全疑慮等三個變項均會對大學生騎機車的習慣與行為產生影響。 結構方程式模型分析中,路徑分析結果顯示旅次社會化的三個構面會對社會規範構面、個人規範構面、與習慣構面產生直接影響,其中規範構面受到的是正面影響,習慣構面則是受到負面影響,顯示旅次社會化對於騎機車的習慣有抑制作用。就規範與習慣對不騎機車的意圖的影響,路徑分析顯示社會規範構面對不使用機車的意圖構面產生直接正面影響,而個人規範產生的的影響不顯著,而習慣構面對則會產生直接負面影響。機車使用行為構面會受到機車使用習慣的直接正面影響,不使用機車的意圖則會造成直接負面影響。由總效果、直接效果、間接效果分析顯示,社會規範構面會透過個人規範構面,對習慣構面造成間接負面影響。社會規範與個人規範對習慣構面的負面影響也是間接的。 由於騎機車的習慣對騎機車行為產生強烈影響,未來可研究如何抑制習慣的養成,從根本減少騎機車的行為。又由於後果認知建立對於社會規範產生強烈影響、社會規範對個人規範具有強力影響力,未來可進一步研究大學生的「重要他人」對其運具選擇價值觀的影響,以降低機車的使用情形。


The numbers of private vehicles in Taiwan have been increasing for long, and motorcycle has become the main vehicle among Taiwan college students. This study evaluated how travel socialization affected college students’ norms, habits, and behaviors of travel mode choices in order to help reducing motorcycle use. An online survey of college students in Taipei with motorcycle driver licenses was conducted and analysised with T-test, One-Way ANOVA, and structural equation modeling, SEM. The result of the first two showed male students had lower intention not to use motorclcles and had higher motorcycle use habit and behavior, and that the time of owing driver’s licenses, the distance between schools and MRT stations, and parents’ safety concerns affected student’s habits and behavior of riding motorcycles. The path analysis in SEM showed that the three travel socialization constructs, establishment of awareness of consequences, peer influence, and drivers’ license and autonomy, had positive effect on social norm and personal norm, and negative effect on habits. Social norm had positive effect on the intention of not using motorcycles, and habits showed the opposite. Motorcycle use behavior received positive effect from habits but negative effect from the intention of not using motorcycles. Personal norm mediated the negative effect between social norms and habits, and intention mediated the negative effect social norm and personal norm gave to behavior. Since habits were showed as the strongest contributors of using motorcycle and since social norm and personal norm were keys to decrease the habits and increase the intention of not using motorcycles, how to use the influence of important others to prevent the habit of using motorcycle can be further researched.


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