  • 學位論文

連鎖飯店及服飾業的手機應用程式之研究 -以Apple iPhone為例

An Exploratory Study of Smartphone Mobile Applications - A Case Study of Hotel and Apparel Industry

指導教授 : 黃俊堯


自從蘋果電腦在2008年推出iPhone後,智慧型手機在手機市場上的佔有率就節節升高。同時智慧型手機應用程式的使用率也隨之成長。本篇論文是以探索性研究探討關於企業投資於手機應用程式的新興趨勢發展,且以飯店及服飾業為例。首先運用觀察法來研究此二產業在手機應用程式的屬性。接著運用應用程式的屬性將樣本按特性分組以進行探討。其中飯店業的樣本依照其目標用戶可區分為三組。而服飾業的樣本則依照程式的主要功能區分為八組。再將以上資料後運用敘述統計、卡方與多重回歸來進行資料分析。最後對本論文一開始提出的三個研究問題: (1) 不同產業之間應用程式的模式是否有差異? (2) 同一產業但不同等級之間,應用程式的模式是否有差異? (3) 應用程式的功能是否會影響使用者的評價? 本研究會運用資料分析的結果回答上述研究問題,並提出管理意涵上的建議。


Since the introduction of iPhone by Apple on 2008, Smartphone penetration has been growly exponentially. At the same time mobile application usage has also grown with Smartphone penetration. This research is an exploratory study on the newly emerging trend for firms to invest in mobile application. Due to time constraint, only hotel and apparel industry are studied in this research. First, observation method is implemented to study the property of mobile applications for each industry. Then data gathered from observation is used to categorize app samples into groups. Hotel industry samples are grouped into three categories by whom the app is targeted at. For apparel industry, samples are grouped into eight categories by the main function of app. After that app samples data are analyzed using descriptive statistics and statistics analysis including Chi-square test and multi-regression test. In conclusion, the three questions raised in research objective: (1) Is there any pattern difference between industries? (2) Is there any pattern from the different tiers in each industry? (3) Does the functionality of app affect its rating? are each answered using findings from the research data and suggestions are provided for industry managers.


mobile application smartphone hotel apparel iPhone app


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