  • 學位論文


A Policy Network Analysis of Regulatory Governance on Taiwan Immigration Intermediary

指導教授 : 江瑞祥


臺灣移民仲介業管制治理網絡所涉及的行動者多元,筆者試圖探討臺灣移民仲介業管制治理網絡之作法,將公共事務領域中的理論與實務作整合性分析,本研究擬達成下列目的: (一)探究移民仲介業管制政策制定之發展背景,以及相關管制法規的演變為何? (二)分析移民仲介業管制政策的治理網絡相關利害關係人及其網絡關係為何?其對政策制定結果又為何? (三)探討移民仲介業管制政策績效與課責及是否有效解決原本預定解決之移民消費者保護問題? 研究發現,現行管制法令僅是消極性的禁制規定,未有積極性的興利規定,仍沿用防弊心態規劃政策,以致於受管制者表面多消極性配合政府政策,實質上對政策績效卻是多持懷疑態度。 政府相關單位橫向聯繫上,治理網絡表現被動消極,未發揮行政一體效用。網絡缺乏一般公民參與監督制衡機制,政策制定結果,造成消費者被迫只能接受業者提供的制式服務與價格。 該政策績效在衡量上有其困難,但因不是很受大眾重視,故雖管制績效不佳,管制政策也不會突然停止。 政策建議:管制政策應去除防弊心態,引進業者自律機制、主管機關應加強網絡管理能力及增加公民參與,以增加決策理性、資訊公開便利移民消費者抉擇。


The regulatory governance network of Taiwan immigration intermediary involves diverse actors. The author attempts to explore the measures adopted by the regulatory governance network of Taiwan immigration intermediaries and to conduct an integrated analysis between theories and practices in the field of the public affairs. This study intends to achieve the following: (1) To explore the development background of the policy enactment for regulatory immigration intermediaries, and the evolution of relevant regulatory regulations (2) To analyze the stakeholders of the governance network of immigration intermediary regulatory policy, their networks and their influences in policy enactment. (3) To explore the performance and accountability of immigration intermediary regulatory policy, and to define whether it is an effective solution on consumer protection. The study found that present regulatory rules are prohibited passively and lacking positive provisions. The policy was designed to be preventive not constructive. People governed by the rules are passively comply with the government policy and doubtful with its physical performance. As the horizontal connections of relevant government departments are passive, the outcome of network governance cannot be well-developed. The immigration intermediary regulatory policy was made without public participation and monitor mechanism. Therefore, consumers are forced to accept the service and price provided arbitrarily by immigration intermediary companies. Despite its poor performance, the immigration intermediary regulatory policy would not stop instantly because of the difficulty of performance evaluation and the public pay no attention at all. Policy recommendations: immigration intermediary regulatory policy should be led in industry self-regulatory mechanism. Getting rid of preventive way of thinking, the competent authority should strengthen its network management capability, public participation, and increase the decision rationality, information transparency, so as to facilitate the choices of consumers of immigration intermediary companies.


