  • 學位論文


The Priming Effect of Negative Out-group Information for Cultural Knowledge Schema: Taking Attribution Task and Consumer Behavior as Criterion Variables

指導教授 : 葉光輝


本研究的主要目的係企圖在族群獨特性低(numerical distinctiveness)的社會脈絡下,檢視負向外團體與正向內團體訊息是否都能激發內團體成員的華人文化知識(cultural knowledge),進而影響其對外界資訊的判斷?過往的研究指出,在一地區中,特定族群屬於少數或多數身分條件下會影響促發的效果,當屬於少數族群身分時,對內團體的文化知識相關訊息較多數族群身分者敏感,因而更容易對所屬內團體產生較高程度的認同感。但相反地,如何激發屬於多數族群身分者的內團體(文化)知識基模是極少被探討的議題。本研究希望能補足此研究議題缺口,並提出當屬於多數族群身分且知覺到外界威脅訊息時(如被歧視或發生衝突),所激發出來的內團體文化知識強度會比只給予受試者正向內團體訊息時還強烈的假設。本論文共包含兩個實驗研究,主要是以台灣地區的華人作為受試者、真實故事改編而成的文化促發訊息、操弄是否有負向外團體訊息的涉入,並分別以歸因作業與消費國產品傾向作為效標變項。研究結果支持所提出假設:分派到「被歧視組」的受試者,相對於正向內團體訊息組,其文化基模被活化的程度較高,並分別在歸因作業(實驗一)與消費國產品傾向(實驗二)兩效標變數都得到了驗證與不錯的效果量,論文最後對研究限制與未來方向進行討論。


The main purpose of this study is to examine whether negative out-group and positive in-group information both could activate in-group members’ cultural knowledge, and further influence their judgments to external-world information in the social context of low numerical distinctiveness. The past studies have proved that a specific group belonging to the majority or minority in an area affects the priming effect, and the minority group members would be more sensitive to in-group-related information. Contrarily, the issue which how to activate the majority group members’ in-group (cultural) knowledge schema is rarely to be paid attention. So, I hope that the current study could fulfill this research gap, and hypothesize that when perceiving outer threat or prejudice information, the majority group members’ in-group (cultural) knowledge schema would be activated, on the other hand, when perceiving positive in-group information would not have such effect. Two experiments are included, and the ethnic Chinese participants were recruited from Taiwan. The negative out-group information involved or not was manipulated, and attribution task and consumer behavioral intention were took as criterion variables in the experiment 1 and 2 respectively. The results confirmed the research hypothesis: the subject’ cultural schema was highly activated in the prejudiced group, however, the subjects in the positive in-group condition were not. The phenomenon was observed both in the attribution inclination and consumer behavioral intention, and gained acceptable effect size. Finally, the research limitations and future directions were discussed.


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