  • 學位論文


Modeling of Congestion Pricing for Mixed Traffic Flow in an Urban Corridor

指導教授 : 張學孔




With the development of economy as well as urbanization and motorization, private motorized modes grow quickly. Traffic congestion and environment are getting worse in the cities all over the world. In order to solve these problems effectively, transport demand management has been widely applied. Congestion pricing is one of the promising strategies. Generally, road users ignore the external cost made by themselves, and therefore they underestimate their own user cost. Congestion pricing is one of the schemes for internalization of the external costs. There have been many studies on congestion pricing. However, these studies normally ignore the characteristics of mixed traffic flow with high proportion of motorcycles in Taiwan. This study aims to develop a congestion pricing model in which characteristics of mixed traffic are considered. The model is designed for a main corridor in metropolitan while a dynamic pricing scheme is applied for cars and motorcycles. The results show that the traffic condition can be improved obviously after implementing the congestion pricing policy. These improvement benefits include time saving and carbon emission reduction. The share of public transport is also enhanced significantly. Sensitivity analyses have shown that the quantity of passenger cars is the key factor influencing traffic condition and congestion pricing. It is also shown that congestion toll for motorcycles will marginally increase with the motorcycle flow. The model developed and research results could be a reference for public sector in planning and design of congestion pricing scheme and related policy.


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