  • 學位論文


Passenger Preferences of Demand Responsive Transit System in Providing Feeder Services

指導教授 : 張學孔


近年來,各地政府竭力發展公共運輸系統,除減少都市地區交通壅塞,亦可減少汙染,達到綠色運輸之目標。臺灣私人機動運具使用比例占整體運輸屢次很大比例,且居高不下。傳統固定路線、固定班次公車服務往往在非尖峰時間無法因應民眾需求,而在偏遠地區,公共運輸通常亦僅使用傳統公車營運,而在維持成本收益、權衡補貼的考量下,公車客運業者傾向以基本符合補貼門檻的班次提供服務;因此,不論在時間或空間服務班次少的情況下,囿於提供服務時間之限制,均無法符合民眾期待,導致使用意願低落。因此,若以彈性方式營運,班表、路線設計都能夠從使用者角度出發,除了能提高使用者意願,也能夠降低政府補助,此即需求反應式公共運輸系統(Demand Responsive Transit System, DRTS)之服務目標。 過去關於DRTS之研究大多從營運者角度出發,透過成本及社會福利角度規劃服務,對實際或潛在乘客的使用意願較少著墨。本研究以臺南市臺鐵新營車站及南科車站作為研究目標,探討乘客對DRTS作為接駁服務的偏好程度和影響因素。研究中採用敘述性偏好法設計情境,並配合在地之旅運特性,構建模式分析影響使用意願的重要因素。 研究結果顯示,新營車站偏好低票價、高補貼、旅次長度大於7公里的DRTS營運型態,主要客群為每天搭乘公共運輸小於2次、家中持有機動車輛的男性旅次。南科車站偏好低票價、高補貼、旅次長度大於7公里的DRTS營運型態,主要客群為非通勤、年輕、家中持有機動車輛、家中18歲以下人數少的旅次。另外,應用雙變量排序普羅比模式分析結果顯示,兩車站間使用意願為顯著正相關,亦即選定其中任一車站作為示範性施行,皆可提高民眾對DRTS之使用意願,而共同影響因子包含低票價、高補貼、即時預約及旅次長度大於7公里的特性。本研究成果可供後續規劃DRTS服務以及臺鐵接駁等相關公共運輸之重要參考。


The government has devoted to develop public transport system, which not only can decrease usage of motorized vehicle, but also achieve the goal of green mobility. The usage of motorized vehicle in Taiwan is comparatively high in both urban and the rural areas. The conventional bus, due to its fixed route and fixed schedule characteristics, would not be able to meet the needs in either off-peak hours inside the cities or in the rural area in which operators tend to provide service with limited runs with consideration of cost and available subsidy. Therefore, if there is flexible transport service in terms of route and schedule for passengers, such as the Demand Responsive Transit System (DRTS), then it may overcome those problems and is thought as a good solution comparing with conventional bus system. There were many studies related to DRTS focusing on cost and social benefits; however, there is a lack of considering passenger preferences in the studies. Hence, this research aims to explore passenger preferences to DRTS. Taiwan Railway Xin-Yin Station and Nan-Ke Station are selected as the study area to identify what factors would have influence on passenger preferences when using DRTS as feeder services for Taiwan Railway. The study uses stated preference to design scenario with consideration of local trip characteristics. Finally, Probit models are developed to analyze those factors that may have influence on passenger preferences. It is shown that passengers in Xin-Yin Station with characteristics of lower fare, higher subsidy, and trip distance above 7 km would prefer to DRTS. It is also shown that DRTS passengers would highly be male with more motorized vehicles, non-frequent public transport users. Passengers in Nan-Ke Station with characteristics of lower fare, higher subsidy, and trip distance above 7 km would prefer to DRTS. DRTS users would highly be passengers with public transport usage fewer than two times a day, owners of motorized vehicles and completely few children under 18. The result of Bivariate Ordered Probit model has also shown that there are positive relationships between passenger preferences in both stations. It implies that once the government chooses one station as the demonstration project for DRTS, the passenger preferences of both stations would increase. The common influence factors for both stations consist of lower fare, higher subsidy, in-time reservation, and trip distance above 7 km. It is expected that results of this study can be a reference for planning of DRTS and feeder services for commuter rail.


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