  • 學位論文


The transformation of journalistic culture in the age of new media technology

指導教授 : 張志銘


2014年3月發生在我國台灣的「太陽花學運」重新激起了新媒介科技解放傳播民主化的討論,國內普遍期許著新媒介科技能賦權閱聽人由下而上的草根力量,目前各國亦開啟了許多關於新媒介科技、傳播變遷與公民社會之發展的在地研究。本研究將焦點放在新媒介科技時代中的閱聽人角色轉變,以及新聞產製與消費模式的轉變上,提出一個由閱聽人作為主體,讓閱聽人主動去作為「媒介內容的生產者兼消費者」的廣義新聞文化。 本研究提出了新媒介科技研究的「融合性觀點」,其結合了科技決定論的「技術性觀點」和社會決定論的「歷史性觀點」,既強調新媒介科技的匯流特性,也重視科技實際的社會吸收和應用情境。由包含了社會、政治、經濟和文化的廣義文化意識為主導,就三大層面去觀察目前發展中的新聞文化轉變,這三大層面是:「新聞室文化」、「使用者生產內容」、「主動的閱聽人」。 其中「主動的閱聽人」是本研究的核心概念,認為讓閱聽人由「被聚集的個人」變成「組織化的個人」的關鍵便在於─閱聽人的主動性。閱聽人需要在特定政經社會情境下進行自主的、有意識的媒介實踐,便能促進公眾參與。 新媒介科技時代中的新聞文化轉型,是由媒介組織提供內容給廣大被動的閱聽人的「生產文化」,轉向媒介組織控制驟減,而閱聽人自主消費的「消費文化」,其消費的內容則是由主動的閱聽人與社群所生產的「使用者生產內容」,由媒介內容的使用者作為生產者,形成一個產銷合一的新聞文化,這便是本研究所期許新媒介科技時代中新聞文化轉型的最積極意義。 本研究總結新媒介科技時代中的新聞文化轉型特色,希望台灣未來能結合在地行動科技基礎建設的優勢和網路素養豐沛的人文條件,與國際研究趨勢接軌,發展出更多結合理論與實務的研究資料。


The Sunflower Student Movement which was a protest movement driven by a coalition of students and civic groups between March 18 and April 10, 2014 in Taiwan has provoked lots discussion about the democratic potential of new media technology.It is widely expected that the new media technology can empower the audiences to act as the grassroots netizens from bottom to up.There are growing worldwide research achievements devoted to the local research on the relation of new media technology,communication transformation and civic society.This thesis puts the emphasis on the changing roles of audiences and the altered mode of news production and consumption in the age of new media technology.We offered a wider definition of journalistic culture which is based on the body of the active audiences themselves to be the producers and consumers of the media contents. We also raised a new mixed perspective of the technological and historical perspecitves on the new media technology research.We are led by the wider cultural consciousness integrated with the socio-cultural , political and economic factors to stress both on the convergence nature of the technology and the practical context and social absorbtion where it is operated.We observe the emerging transformation of journalistic culture on three aspects of “the news room culture”, “the user-generated contents”, and “the active audiences”. “The active audiences” are the core focus in our propositions.We argued that it is the active role of the audience to turn “the aggregated individuals” into the “the organized individuals”. Under certain social and political-enonomic circumstances, the technology can promote the public participation by enhancing the autonomy and the public consicouness of the audiences. The journalistic culture in the age of new media technology was transformed from the “production culture”based on the media institutions into “the consumption culture” based on the audiences. The media contents are no more offered by the professional journalists and consumed by the passive mass audiences. Instead, the media practitioners are forced to render their power to the active audiences and communities acting as both the producers and consumers to consume the “user-generated contents”.It is the most positive meaning of the journalistic culture that we suggested in the age of new media technology. The thesis summarizes the features of the transformation of the journalistic culture and looks forward to examine the findings in the local context of Taiwan. We appreciated the highly-developed Information Technology Infrastructure of Taiwan and the high-quality Internet literacy of the citizens here.With these inherent conditions, we expect more relative researching effort put in the further local research to combine the theoretical and empirical results.


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