  • 學位論文


An fMRI study of brain response of landscape designers' spatial recognition

指導教授 : 張俊彥


景觀設計者在進行溝通設計階段時,常會使用到平面配置圖來了解整體空間樣貌,而有空間辨認力才能正確判斷周遭環境及物件方位,過去許多研究多以心理學角度來觀看空間能力,也證實了人們在進行空間感判定時會使得頂葉皮質區、前額葉皮層區的活化。然而,目前很少針對景觀設計圖進行空間辨識力的評估,因此本研究為利用景觀設計平面圖轉換成剖面圖以測量空間辨識力,目的為了解當景觀設計者在進行空間辨識時其腦區會有甚麼變化。 本研究實驗材料以自行編製的「平面轉剖面之空間辨識力測驗」進行實驗,實驗共有16題,平分成兩輪各8題,每題於畫面左側有個圓角長方形所框出範圍的平面圖和一條剖面線;畫面右側附有四個看似相對應的剖面圖分別標示為1到4選項,每題只有一個正確選項,實驗參與者必須在30秒內回答題目,否則將視為答題錯誤。分析方式最終將以正確率以及答題速度來判斷空間辨識力的好壞,以及使用此能力所反應的腦區在何處。 收取年齡介於20-30歲的32位成人,將答對率高和低的分為兩群體做分析,結果顯示高分群的活化區較為集中且專一,而低分族群的活化區較分散且活化區更多。高分群的空間辨識力比低分群更活化之區域位在左上額葉,可能與此區域部分涉及更高階的認知概念有關;而低分群的空間辨識力比高分群更活化之區域為在左枕葉,而此區域為視覺主要的反應區域。


When the Landscape designers communicate on the design phase, they often use layouts to understand the entire appearance of the environment. Therefore, the spatial recognition is important for us to judge the surrounding environment and object orientation. In recent years, neurological researches have gradually effected the field of landscape design. In the past studies, researcher used psychological perspective points to understand spatial recognition. They confirmed the parietal cortex, occipital area and prefrontal cortex activation effected the process when people judged the sense of space. However, there are limit researches use landscape layout to measure spatial recognition. Therefore, the purpose in this study is to understand the variation of brain in the stage of spatial recognition. We test landscape designers and transform landscape layout into sectional drawing to measure their spatial recognition. The tests includes 16 tasks, and we divided to 2 runs. There is a rectangle plan and a section line on the left in each task, and there are 4 options on the right. Four sectional view on the right were labeled as 1-4 options, and for each task only has one correct option. The experiment participants must answer questions within 30 seconds, otherwise the answer will be considered as wrong. Eventually, the analytical methods will correspond to the correct answer rate and the answer time, to determine the spatial discerning good or bad, and to know the reaction of the brain. The experiment recruit 32 adults, which aged is between 20-30, then according to the answer correct rate to divided into high and low level groups, the results show high activation group is more focused and concentrated, and an low activation group is more dispersion and the activation area is more than the high scores group. High scpres group more activation area is in the left frontal lobe, this area maybe involving the higher order cognitive concepts; and low scores group is more activation in the left occipital region, and this area is involving the main area of the visual reaction zone.


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