  • 學位論文


Psychological Factors Influencing Trust of Social Media News in Web2.0 Era——the case of “weibo”

指導教授 : 王泰俐


本研究探討web2.0時代影響社群媒體新聞資訊信任的因素,並將新聞資訊傳播過程的各個要素納入信任研究的範疇。研究以網路問卷調查的方法,共蒐集中國大陸276份問卷。研究中著重瞭解閱聽眾使用新浪微博接收新聞資訊時的心理特點。 研究結果顯示,閱聽眾心理對社群媒體信任確實產生影響。傳播者方面,親近性、影響力發揮著重要作用,閱聽眾更相信親近性高、粉絲數多的傳播者;傳播內容方面,突發性高、敏感性高及負面新聞資訊也會帶來更高信任度;傳播平臺的暴露程度、滿足程度也影響社群媒體新聞資訊信任,高暴露程度、高滿足程度的閱聽眾,對社群媒體上的新聞資訊也更為信任。在閱聽眾社群媒體新聞資訊信任中,逆反心理明顯存在;而社群媒體自我效能越高,不一定對社群媒體上的新聞資訊信任度就更高。 此一研究結果多數符合本文假設,也證實了在社群媒體新聞資訊接收過程中,閱聽眾心理不可小覷。另外,社群媒體新聞資訊的信任與傳統媒體新聞資訊的信任並不如之前所假設的反向關係,而是呈現正向關係;在正確、無偏頗、完整可靠、能被信任這些方面,傳統媒體依舊佔有較大優勢。


This study investigated factors influencing trust of social media news . Adopting online survey, this study collected 276 valid responses from Mainland China’s largest social media “Sina weibo”. Results revealed that, psychology factors indeed influence users’trust towards the social media. In terms of of message sender, relation closeness towards the senders and the strength of senders’ influence are proved to be significant factors affecting users’ trust. In terms of message content, news with more abrupt nature,higher sensitivity and stronger negativeness earn more trust in social media. In terms of media platform, users with higher media exposure and higher levels of satisfaction have more trust in social media; reversal mindsets are indeed found in the process of social media news communication in Mainland China’s online environment..However, higher self-efficacy does not cause more credibility of social media news. All in all, most results accorded with hypothesis of the research, which confirmed that psychological factors influence in the reception of social media information. In addition, the relationship between social media and traditional media reveal to be a positive rather than negative pattern. Considering accuracy, unbiased, compeleteness, trustworthiness, traditional media still win over social media in the dissemination of news information.


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