  • 學位論文


The Study of the Formation and Development of Prehistory Settlement in the Peinan Site

指導教授 : 陳有貝


卑南遺址為臺灣重要考古遺址,出土有東亞地區最大的石板棺墓葬群、大量精美的史前玉器、並與保留史前聚落的建築結構。從臺灣考古學發展初期,卑南遺址即受到許多學者的關注,進行過多次的調查與考古發掘;1980年,因開發需求而進行共13次的考古搶救發掘作業,過程中出土上千座石板棺墓葬與大量陪葬品,相關資料也成就了卑南遺址許多重要考古研究。後續,為進一步解卑南遺址的分布範圍與文化內涵,陸續進行了幾次考古試掘工作;最近,在劃設國定考古遺址範圍後,於2010年開始為期3年的「卑南文化公園二期範圍卑南遺址短期考古發掘計畫」。本論文研究動機即源於此計畫的執行,筆者嘗試將幾十年來卑南遺址考古發掘探坑資料進行整合,過程中對於卑南遺址史前聚落型態、建築結構配置模式、聚落分布空間以及所在環境資料間的關聯性產生興趣,並期望瞭解史前人群為何選擇檳榔四格山山前沖積扇定居,以及如何利用此地區之環境資源,使得卑南遺址的史前聚落得以形成與發展成如此規模。 本研究援引遺址形成過程、聚落考古學、地景考古學等考古學理論為架構,嘗試藉由GIS整合卑南遺址歷年考古發掘資料、地層鑽探岩芯資料、地球物理探測資料、碳樣定年資料、植物矽酸體分析資料等研究材料,透過空間分析針對文化層堆積與分布情形、聚落型態、生業型態等議題進行論述,以瞭解史前人群如何在卑南遺址構築聚落的布局與建築結構的配置模式,以及對環境的運用與認知情況。 為了瞭解卑南遺址文化層的分布情形,進行了不同方式的地物探測作業以及2次地層鑽探作業,並且考古發掘探坑掌握與文化層有關之形成過程因素,再以GIS彙整於卑南遺址DTM資料上,經過分析與運算即可呈現出文化層分布之情形。整體而言,不同於現今卑南遺址呈西高東低的地勢,史前時期文化層分布呈東側高於西側之情形,且在遺址西南側存在較低凹之區域,可能局部屬河相沉積物環境,而源自檳榔四格山之沖積礫石層呈西北─東南向尖滅之現象;另外,在定年資料上,呈現北側區域文化層形成年代早於南側之現象。 對於聚落型態的分析,延續遺址形成過程的框架,透過空間分析探討地層中建築結構與石板棺墓葬帶間壓疊關係的形成模式,提出不同於過去「室內葬」的論述,從建築結構空間分布以及聚落布局發展推論史前人群應採取區塊式構築其聚落布局空間,並且一組區塊的聚落布局模式呈西側墓葬帶、中央砌石圈帶與東側建築結構帶等,其中建築結構的配置模式由西向東則為「小住屋」、「立石結構」、「舖石地面」。將此卑南遺址史前聚落型態之模式概念化後,可藉由考古發掘出土相關線索推測史前聚落的分布情形與範圍,且聚落發展呈現出人群由東向西進行土地利用的能動性。 植物矽酸體分析至2010年始引入卑南遺址研究中,過去對於卑南遺址生業型態的討論上,一般認為是個富足強盛的史前聚落,但實際進行生業型態議題的研究,卻如同其出土的生態遺留一樣稀少,筆者引進植物矽酸體分析研究方式應用於卑南遺址嘗試找尋新資料的可能性。藉由其它學者的努力,確認卑南遺址存在稻米且經種屬判定為秈稻,並暗示其農作發達的前提下,本研究進一步針對文化層土樣進行植物矽體定量分析,確定史前人群曾在卑南遺址進行長時間且大規模的稻作農業行為,其產量與水稻農作相當。而且稻屬矽酸體的發現與文化層的分布極為密切,可能是支撐卑南文化發展的主要動力來源。 整體而言,卑南遺址大約3500-2700B.P.間,卑南文化從發展出區塊式聚落模式到結束,主要來自於對環境的理解與適應,形成一套持續發展的聚落布局模式與稻作生業型態,卑南文化層在檳榔四格山沖積礫石層的覆蓋下結束,伴隨著前述重要文化行為的停止,不過,在卑南文化發展期間卻展現出人群與環境間的能動性。


The motivation of this paper was derived from the Peinan Site Excavation Project Phase Two, which is the most recent excavation project started from 2010 by the excavation team in a three-year plan. The Peinan Site, the most important archaeology site in Taiwan, has the largest excavation of slate coffin burial groups, obtains the greatest amount of elegant prehistoric jades, and preserves the most abundant ancient settlement’s building structure in East Asia. The Peinan Site has been the most explored archaeological site (by scholars and researchers) from the very beginning of our Taiwan Archaeology History. Back in the 1980’s, archaeologists had conducted up to 13 rescue excavations from the fast-urban development requirement in the Peinan Site area. The rescue, thus, unveiled thousands of slate coffin burials and saved large numbers of burial grave goods from the development; in which the saved data and information had contributed many important archaeological insights for the later studies of the Peinan Site. Thus the Peinan Site Excavation Project Phase Two is the most recent significant excavation project to deepened and further understand the distribution range and cultural content of this important prehistoric site. This paper is to integrate decades of archaeological excavation data of the Peinan Site, in which includes all my interest in the pattern of prehistory settlement, the layout of building structure, the distribution of settlement, and the relevance of its environmental data. My goal is to unveil the reason the Peinan Culture people choose to settle down in the alluvial fan in front of the Pinlang-Sihge Mountain, and understand the way they use environmental resources to form and develop the Peinan prehistory settlement into such a scale. To fully understand the layout of the prehitoric settlements and the building structures, as well as the usage and awareness of environment in the Peinan Site, this study cited archaeological theory of site-formation processes, settlement archeology and landscape archeology. This study also combined and integrated the excavation data over the years, the drilling data of the stratums, the geophysical prospecting data, the carbon dating data, and the phytolith analysis data of the Peinan Site through GIS; and further analyzed through spatial analysis to discuss the accumulation and distribution of cultural layer, the settlement pattern, and the means of livelihood. To understand the distribution of cultural layer in the Peinan Site, I used different methods of geophysical prospect, two significant stratigraphic drilling work, and several archaeological excavations to master the formation process factors relevant to cultural layer. I also further used GIS to integrate the DTM data of the Peinan Site. After overall analysis and back and forth operation, it now shows the distribution of culture layer. To our finding, unlike the present terrain of the Peinan Site which is higher in the west side and lower in the east side, the stratum of culture layer showed in an opposite conclusion: the east side was higher than the west side in prehistoric period. Moreover, there was a relatively concave area in the southwest side, which may be part of the river sedimentary environment; the distribution of the alluvial gravel stratum from the Pinlang-Sihge Mountain was northwest to southeast; and the dating data also showed that the formation of the north side of cultural layer was earlier than the south side. From the analysis of settlement pattern point of view, I propose a dissertation different from the "interior burial" theory by using spatial analytical method in discussing the formation pattern of the folding relationship between the building structure and the slate coffin burial area in the stratum: the Peinan Culture people used to build their settlement in a block-shaped layout, which followed the framework of the building structure distribution and the settlement layout. The framework of the block was placed as the following pattern: the burial zone in the west side, the masonry circle zone in the central, and the building structure zone in the east side; the building structure was called as "small housing", "standing stone structure" and "stone paving floor" in correspondent from the west to the east side. After conceptionizing the prehistoric settlement pattern of the Peinan Site, we can suppose the distribution and the range of the prehistoric settlement through excavation data, and have the following hypothesis: the prehistoric people’s agency arose in their landscape usage and development began from the east side to the west side. The phytolith analysis was introduced into the research of the Peinan Site in 2010. The Peinan Site was considered as the most prosperous prehistoric settlement in the research of its livelihood. However, the study of the means of livelihood is as scarce as the ecological remains unearthed. Therefore, I brought in phytolith analysis to the Peinan Site research to find more and further information. Through other scholar’s efforts, the Peinan Site was confirmed to have rice, which the species was identified as Indica rice and fully implied the advanced development of agriculture. In this study, I conducted a quantitative analysis from soil samples of the cultural layer to further indicate that there was a long-term and large-scale of rice farming behavior in prehistoric population in the Peinan Site, which the yield was like wetland rice farming. Moreover, the discovery of rice phytolith was closely related to the distribution of cultural layer and may be the main driving source for the development of the Peinan Culture. In general, The Peinan Site had existed during 3500B.P. to 2700B.P., its culture development was established base on their ancient’s fully understanding and adaptation of the environment, forming a set of sustainable development of the settlement layout and rice agricultural livelihood. Even though the Peinan culture ended from the alluvial gravel layer’s debris flow from the Pinlang-Sihge Mountain, which eliminated all preceding important cultural behaviors; however, the development of the Peinan Culture had showed great activity agency and association between the people and the environment.


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