  • 學位論文


Determination of Critical State Parameters and Maximum Shear Modulus of Penghu Calcareous Sand

指導教授 : 郭安妮


近年來由於陸地上的發展趨於飽和,工程上開始逐漸往海上推進,如:離岸風機,以大地工程的部分著手,研究生物殘骸碎屑之砂土靜態與動態力學行為。 當土壤在大應變時,孔隙比(或孔隙水壓)與平均有效應力保持在穩定的狀態時稱之為臨界狀態。臨界狀態在發展過程中,經過理論的推導與實驗結果,建立一套完整的理論架構;除此之外,臨界狀態概念下延伸之狀態參數也可用於預測現地土壤的力學參數與變形行為,由此可知臨界土壤力學的確能在工程分析與設計上帶來幫助。 許多研究的試驗結果表示,砂土在臨界狀態下與其孔隙比和平均有效應力間呈現不唯一線性關係。由於鈣元素在鈣質砂土中結構與膠結狀態較脆弱,而導致孔隙比與土顆粒在實驗過程中產生變化,因此,這將會是決定鈣質砂土在臨界狀態的一項挑戰。 為了決定鈣質砂的臨界土壤參數與最大剪力模數,本研究將執行一系列的三軸壓縮試驗與彎曲元件試驗,相對密度、排水條件、過壓密比、不同實驗配置方法為本次試驗的變異數;另外,潤滑端坐可排除三軸試驗過程中產生的端坐效應,提升實驗結果的精準度。本次研究最後將最大剪力模數與臨界狀態參數的相關性做彙整。


Critical state is attained when void ratio and volumetric strain become constant as normal strain becomes very large. The relationship between void ratio and mean effective stress for some materials can be represented by a linear critical state line, however some studies showed that a critical state zone, rather than a single line, may exist for certain materials. To describe the soil behavior under dynamic loading, strain-dependent shear modulus is often used. In the laboratory test, bender element tests are often used to estimate the shear wave velocity (hence shear modulus) at very small strain level. As an alternative source of energy, Taiwan government is planning to construct a series of offshore wind turbines near the coast of western Taiwan and potentially near Penghu. As the coastal sediments may contain remains of marine creatures, they would be rich in calcium. In this research, properties of Penghu calcareous sand are of interest. Critical state parameters are determined by performing triaxial compression tests while bender element tests are performed to determine the shear modulus at very small shear strain level (Gmax). Correlation relationship between undrained shear strength at critical state and Gmax would be developed. Since very small strain shear modulus can be readily determined in the field, the established correlation relationship can potentially help estimate the undrained shear strength of Penghu calcareous sand which would be important in dynamic analysis involving failure.


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2. ASTM D4253-00. (2006). Standard test Method for maximum index density and unit weight of soils using a vibratory table. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, USA.
