  • 學位論文

台灣線上行動支付產業價值主張與價值適配之研究 — 以 LINE Pay 為例

A Study of Value Proposition and Value Fit in Online Mobile Payment Industry of Taiwan — Case Study of LINE Pay

指導教授 : 陳家麟


近幾年,各國漸漸重視並推動無現金社會,加上電子商務產業迅速崛起,行動支付業者的舞台從線下到線上越演越烈,台灣越來越多家本業或非本業者爭相搭上熱潮,紛紛將觸角延伸到行動支付產業,從貼近民眾生活的全聯超市推出的PX Pay到全民朗朗上口的街口支付、LINE Pay都在此列。 在研究方法方面則選定個案研究法,以在台灣行動支付市場知名度及覆蓋率雙冠的LINE Pay作為主要研究個案企業,佐以多重方法蒐羅資料,其中包括透過收集大量次級資料以架構LINE Pay之商業模式圖及價值主張圖、參與觀察及半結構式的一對一訪談,深入使用者內心並挖掘出顧客痛點等要點繪製出顧客素描圖,最後再依Alex Osterwalder在著作《價值主張年代》所提出的價值主張法,將繪製出的「價值主張圖」與「顧客素描圖」兩相做適配分析,深入檢驗LINE Pay現行所提供的價值主張,是否真的是顧客所認同且渴望的。 而本研究在深度分析後,充分了解到LINE Pay作為行動支付平台,在擁有比同業競爭者多的合作商家、流暢並安全的支付流程、方便地轉分帳功能等方面,與使用者的顧客素描相適配。然而,在台灣本身支付建設如此完善的情況下,若行動支付業者僅僅堅守做一個「合格、稱職的行動支付軟體共應者」則將不足以成為消費者移轉舊有支付習慣的誘因,因此,要如何利用企業本身的核心競爭能力,找出自己在市場的獨特地位,會是眼下突破激烈競爭的關鍵要素。而本研究在最後也延伸提出未來改善建議,包括「利用社交本為優勢拓展平台社交功能」、「整併組織現有資源、發揮綜效以完整生態系」等,供LINE Pay或同業作為未來發展方針的參考。


As the rising of the industry of electronic commerce, the competition in mobile payment industry becomes even intense from offline to online. In Taiwan, the competition between mobile payment suppliers are highly fierce, from PX Pay, a mobile payment that only available when you have a payment in PX Mart, to well-known JKO Pay and LINE Pay. The thesis picked LINE Pay as the research target, using multiple ways to collect the data needed, including collecting abundant second-hand data to construct business model and value map, having in-depth interviews with users to dig out the inner thoughts and complete the profiles of online mobile payment users. Moreover, the thesis followed Value Proposition Method (Osterwalder, 2014) to examines fitness between the value propositions of LINE Pay and the profiles of users. After the in-depth analysis, we found out that the value map LINE Pay provides fits with certain basic parts of users’ profile. However, given the fine construction of payment environment in Taiwan, the mobile payment suppliers can’t limit themselves to merely play “qualified” roles in the industry. That is, if LINE Pay is constantly satisfied with its existing market performance in Taiwan, it might lose its great potentials to snatch the maket shares in the forseeable future. Therefore, the thesis provides ways of improvement to enable LINE Pay or other online mobile payment companies to uncover its core competence and unique maket positioning and to make a breakthrough in this cutthroat competition.


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