  • 學位論文


A study on long-term care institutions practice of social workers' professional role - In view of the southern region of social workers.

指導教授 : 王仕圖 何華欽


本研究旨在探討影響長期照顧機構社會工作者專業角色實踐之因素。主要以長期照顧機構和護理之家的社會工作者為主要研究對象,本研究採郵寄問卷方式,共回收106份有效問卷,所得資料經統計分析後,主要的研究發現如下所敘: 一、研究樣本個人背景變項與專業角色實踐的現況 社工有專業證照對其在溝通協調者專業角色的實踐高於無證照者;社工被機構聘用型態為正職者對其在多面向直接服務者、溝通協調者和社會資源連結者等三種專業角色的實踐上均高於兼職者;有社工經歷年資越長者對其在專業角色的實踐程度高於社工資歷不滿一年者;社工服務機構的年資,資深社工對其在多面向直接服務者和溝通協調者專業角色的實踐均高於資淺社工。 二、研究樣本機構組織因素與專業角色實踐的現況 機構有督導機制對社工在實踐溝通協調者專業角色會高於無督導機制的機構;機構社工部分工作項目對其專業角色的實踐,其中社工若無社區外展工作或行政庶務工作或者無整理評鑑資料等工作項目對其在實踐專業角色均高於有上述工作項目者;機構與其他團體建立資源網絡有助於社工在專業角色的實踐。 三、研究樣本對專業角色的期待與其專業實踐的現況 社工對多面向直接服務者和溝通協調者專業角色呈現高期待者,對其在專業角色的表現也會呈現高實踐,但對社會資源連結者較無顯著性的關聯;而社工對社會資源連結者專業角色呈現高期待者,對其在溝通協調者和社會資源連結者專業角色的表現也會呈現高實踐,但對多面向直接服務者較無顯著性的關聯 四、研究樣本所任職機構其他成員對社工專業認同對其專業角色實踐之現況 機構主管對社工專業認同度越高,對其在專業角色的表現也會越高;機構內專業團隊對社工專業認同度越高,對其在專業角色的表現也會越高;住民與家屬對社工專業認同度越高,對其在專業角色的表現也會越高。 五、研究樣本社工服務機構的年資(個人背景變項)、機構社工人力的配置、機構住民人數和機構建立的資源網絡(機構組織因素),社工對專業角的期待以及機構其他成員對社工專業的認同對長期照顧機構社工專業角色的實踐具影響力。


The present study aims to investigate factors that influence professional role practice of social workers in long term care institutions. In this study, questionnaires mailed to social workers of long-term care facilities and nursing home and a total of 106 valid questionnaires are recycled. After statistical analysis of data obtained, main findings are summarized as below: 1.Current personal background variables and professional role practices of the sample Social workers with professional certifications perform better in professional role of communication coordinator than those without certification. Compared with part-timers, social workers formally employed by institutions are at higher level in regard to practices of following three professional roles: multiple services provider, communication coordinator and social resource connecter. People with long-period experiences in social work show a higher degree of practicing professional role than those who engage in social work for less than one year. In term of seniority in social service organization, senior social workers’ practices in professional roles of multiple direct services provider and communication coordinator are higher than junior social workers. 2.Present situations about organizational factors and professional role practices of research sample Social workers working in institutions with supervision mechanism are superior in practicing “communication coordinator” role to those working for organizations without supervision system. In respect to influences of work items, social workers who don’t need to execute community outreach task, general administrative affairs or data summarization and assessment work are at higher level of practicing professional roles than those who have to implement these work items. For institutions and other groups, establishment of resource network is beneficial to social worker’s practice in professional role. 3. Research sample’s expectations of professional role and current conditions about their professional practice Social workers with high expectations of professional roles “multiple direct services provider” and “communication coordinator” will present a high ability to practice their professional roles. However, such expectation is not significantly associated with the role of social resource connecter. Social workers with high expectations of professional role as social resource connecter will show high-level practices of performing as communication coordinator or social resource connecter; however, there’s no significant relevance to correlation with professional role of multiple direct services provider. 4.Relevance between other staff’s social-worker profession identification and research sample’s professional role practice If supervisor of the institution where the social worker works has higher social-worker profession identification, the social worker’s performance in professional role will be of higher level. If professional group of the institution has higher social-worker profession identification, the social worker’s performance in professional role will be of higher level. If institution residents and family members have higher social-worker profession identification, the social worker’s performance in professional role will be of higher level. 5.All of following factors exert influences on professional role practices of social workers in long term care institutions: seniority in social service organization (personal background variables), manpower allocation of the institution, number of institution residents, resource network of the institution (organizational factors), social worker’s expectation of professional role, and other institution staff’s identification with social worker’s profession.


