  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


A Study on the Advertisement Attitude of Digital out of Home Take the Ximending as an example


在數位浪潮襲來之下,已經沒有傳統媒體,家外數位看板以多媒體和互動方式呈現廣告果,取代傳統的平面看板,成為炙手可熱的推銷利器。本研究以Brackett &Carr廣告態度模型為基礎來探討消費者在觀看家外數位看板後,所產生的廣告價值及廣告態度,是否會影響消費者購買慾望及上網搜尋之行為。為使內容切合產業界需求,以西門町商圈消費者為實證對象,中影數位看板為場域工具,於紅樓廣場執行問卷調查,將所蒐集的資料分析歸納驗證結果。從數據中萃取最有價值的觀點。賦予數字實質上的意義,進而提供實務界,在多元的家外數位看板產業中找尋最佳的投資戰略與媒體策略。因數據分析,數位看板的測試、創意輪替、鎖定客群、即時購買、計算都將自動化。唯有運用所有工具,提出創意、執行概念,讓家外數位看板的銷售和盈利大幅增加。




Under the tide of digital media, there has been no place for traditional media to accommodate. DOOH(Digital out of home) have been used to present advertisements in a multimedia and interactive way. Instead of the traditional billboards, DOOH have become the hottest selling weapon nowadays. Based on Brackett & Carr's advertising attitude model, this study explores whether the value of advertisements and advertising attitudes generated by consumers after viewing DOOH will influence consumer buying desires and online search behavior. By taking consumers in Ximending shopping district as the subjects of the questionnaires, and using DOOH as a field tool, to verify the results with the collected data. Extracting the most valuable ideas from the data, giving the numbers a substantial meaning. In order to provide the practice community, for companies to find out the best investment strategies and media strategies in the diversified DOOH industry. Due to the analyzed data, DOOH testing, creative rotation, lockedin demographics, instant purchases, and calculations will all be automated. Only by using all the tools, presenting ideas, and implementing concepts, in order to make the sales and profitability of DOOH be increased significantly.
