  • 期刊


The psychological effect of grunting during a shot in elite tennis players




心理效應 壓力 吼聲


Many tennis players grunt loudly while hitting shots. The psychological mechanism and the effects of grunting in tennis, however, has not yet been systematically studied. Purpose: This study explored the perceived psychological effects of grunting of elite tennis players and coaches by using a qualitative approach. Method: The one-to-one semi-structured and focus group interviews were utilized to collect opinions regarding how the interviewees felt and believed about grunting. This study purposefully selected 12 elite tennis players and 5 coaches. Some of the players indicated that grunting was a natural but some were unwilling by the coach requested. For further clarify our research questions, the combination of perspectives from both players and coaches should be helpful. The interview data was analyzed according to the grounded theory protocol and produced a multidimensional and hierarchical concept. Four similar, higher-order themes were generated from the content analysis of both interviewing groups. In the perspective of players, an extra theme "social factor" in grunting was conducted. Results: Both tennis players and coaches held positive views of grunting, and identified its psychological benefits in psyching up, enhancing attention, alleviating stress, regulating energy, and interfering opponents. In addition, players would adjust their tones of grunting to attempt to increase or decrease other's attention. Conclusion: The findings identify the psychological benefits of tennis players' grunting, which can enhance players' performance on the court.


psychosocial effect stress grunt


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