  • 期刊

器識為先 知行合一 文化雙融 無問西東

Research-Practice "Oneness Enriched by Open-Minded Visions Ambicultural Integration Empowered by East and West


陳明哲,2011。西方遇見東方:邁向文化雙融的管理模式。哈佛商業評論,第五十五期:14-15 。 (Chen, M.-J. 2011. West meets East: Toward an ambicultural approach to management. Harvard Business Review, 55: 14-15.)
陳明哲,2013。動態競爭:中西合璧的策略觀。哈佛商業評論,第七十八期:14-15。(Chen, M.-J. 2013. Strategic perspective in the East-West context. Harvard Business Review, 78: 14-15.) Competitive dynamics:
陳明哲,2014。文化雙融:一位管理學者的反思與行踐。管理學報,第三十一期第四卷:263-282 。 (Chen, M.-J. 2014. Becoming ambicultural: A personal quest, and aspiration for organizations. Journal of Management and Business Research, 31(4): 263-282.)
簡禎富、林國義、許鉅秉、吳政鴻,2016。台灣生產與作業管理之相關期刊文獻回顧與前瞻:從工業 3.0 到工業 3.5。管理學報,第三十三卷第一期:87-103。(Chien, C.-F., Lin, K. Y., Sheu, J. B., Wu, C. H. 2016. Retrospect and Prospect on Operations and Management Journals in Taiwan: From Industry 3.0 to Industry 3.5. Journal of Management and Business Research, 33(1): 87-103.)
簡禎富,2017。如何先打造出「工業 3.5」的能力。哈佛商業評論,第一百二十八期:46-54 。 (Chien, C.-F. 2017. How to develop "Industry 3.5" capability. Harvard Business Review, 128: 46-54.)
