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A Case Report of Acupuncture Treatment in Iliotibial Band Syndrome Based on Differential Diagnostics of Meridians Combined with Anatomical Acupoint Selection




ITBS 髂脛束 跑者 針灸 經筋


Iliotibial band syndrome(ITBS)is a common sport injury happening in runners, cyclists and endurance sports. It often takes more than six months for the traditional rehabilitation in western medicine, which puts off the athletes' training schedules. Besides, the illness returns easily when increasing training intensity. A 30-year-old man, who participated in a 21-km half marathon on November 15, 2015, felt sharp and burning pain over the lateral femoral epicondyle at approximately 30 degrees of knee flexion after running. The symptom was not relieved after resting for 2 days, so the man came to the hospital for the traditional Chinese medication. The patient was diagnosed as ITBS and received the acupuncture treatment based on differential diagnostics of meridians combined with anatomical acupoint selection. After the treatment program of acupuncture with health education, the knee pain was totally disappeared. In addition, the patient then restarted road running and gradually increased his training intensity, and the symptom did not even return after a follow-up for more than six months. Instead of having a long-term rehabilitation, this shows that the patients can receive great and solid effects under this treatment.


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