  • 期刊


Nursing Experiences of an Adolescent Patient with Myasthenia Gravis in the PICU




This report discusses the nursing care experiences of an adolescent patient in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) with a diagnosis of myasthenia gravis. Use Gordon's eleven function health patterns to assess the patient's physical, psychological and spiritual problems. The patient's main problems were: (1) ineffective breathing patterns from thick sputum, weak respiratory muscle and aspirated pneumonia, (2) disturbed sleep pattern from PICU treatment procedures and frequent oral suctions, (3) activity intolerance from muscle weakness and long term immobility, (4) impaired verbal communication due to placement of an endotracheal tube, and (5) spiritual distress from life threatening illness and worries about academic exams. Family and patient were encouraged to participate in the nursing care plans and to face the challenges. Nurses needed to listen carefully, with empathy to the patient's true feeling, and to continually evaluate and resolve the patient's problems. Nursing care included maintenance of airway pattern, improving sleep quality, enhancing self-care ability, and establishing effective communication pattern. After the nursing care, the patient and the family could adapt the disease process, minimize the physical and psychological trauma, and improve their quality of life.
