  • 期刊


Evaluation of Potential for Mass Rearing and Release of Empoasca onukii (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in Taiwan


茶小綠葉蟬(Empoasca onukii Matsuda)是臺灣地區茶園中最重要的昆蟲之一,其吸食危害造成茶葉減產,但也是白毫烏龍茶等蜜香茶類原料來源的過程,故在適當的時機大量提高葉蟬數量與吸食的密度至關重要。本試驗調查與進行臺灣地區茶小綠葉蟬生物學特性研究,評估大量飼養與施放於茶園之潛力,期望帶來相關茶產品更高的產值,利於有機茶園經營與管理。試驗發現飼養於茶樹(Camellia sinensis)、蓖麻(Ricinuscommunis)、花生(Arachis hypogaea)、蔓花生(Arachis duranensis)、皇帝豆(Phaseolus lunatus)、菜豆(Phaseolus vulgaris)等寄主植物,茶小綠葉蟬皆可成功完成生活史,但飼養過程中改變寄主存活率顯著降低。所有測試寄主中葉蟬產卵數量最高的寄主為茶樹,在青心大冇(Chin Shin Dah Pan) 與青心烏龍(Chin Shin Oolong)兩品種間產卵喜好性無顯著差異。28°C飼育環境下葉蟬從卵發育至成蟲所需時間顯著較25°C與22°C短,發育時間亦受茶樹品種影響。成蟲羽化後最快三天開始產卵,其後16日內產卵數占總產卵數92.23%,雌蟲產卵日齡與其後代存活率無關。目前尚無茶小綠葉蟬的人工飼料,本研究發現改變寄主會使生存率下降是大量飼養及施放茶小綠葉蟬的重大瓶頸。後續之研究可著重於培養可適應田間環境的實驗室品系,並且先進行小規模之施放試驗,測試室內飼養個體的田間適應能力。


Tea green leafhopper (Empoasca onukii Matsuda) is one of the most important insect in Taiwanese tea plantations. Severe infestation of tea green leafhopper might decrease quantity of tea leaves. On the other hand, infestation also provides material source for making honey flavored tea such as Oriental Beauty tea; thus, raising its population in a proper way is an important issue. Current study provided biology of E. onukii in Taiwan, and evaluated potential of mass rearing and release of E. onukii in organic tea plantations. Empoasca onukii could lay eggs and go through their complete life cycle on tea plants (Camellia sinensis), castor oil plants (Ricinus communis), peanuts (Arachis hypogaea), vine peanuts (A. duranensis), lima beans (Phaseolus lunatus), and kidney beans (P. vulgaris) in laboratory, but switch in hosts would decrease survival rate on nymphs. Among all studied host species, females laid the highest number of eggs on tea plants, and showed no significant difference in oviposition preference between two major tea plant cultivars (i.e., Chin Shin Dah Pan and Chin Shin Oolong). The egg stage and developmental period of nymphs would be influenced by both temperature and tea cultivar, whereby developmental period under 28°C significantly shorter than those under 25°C and 22°C. Female adults gained sexual maturity in 3 days after last molt, and laid 92.23 % of their eggs on buds of the hosts within 16 days. Female age did not affect survival rate of offsprings. The main factors affected mass rearing and release of E. onukii could be that artificial diet for E. onukii was developed unsuccessfully, and fitness of E. onukii larvae would decrease after switch in hosts. To make breakthroughs for possibility of mass rearing and release of E. onukii, a potential research direction is focusing on rearing and pre-release a lab population/strain of E. onukii that could adapt to field conditions.
