  • 期刊


The Application of 3D Virtual Anatomy Simulation Teaching


背景與目的:解剖是醫學教育的基礎課程,需具體人體模型與實際操刀的大體解剖才能有效的幫助學生建立起正確的解剖概念,然而大體老師取得不易,近年來發展出多種3D 擬真解剖教學。本篇研究利用實證醫學方式,回顧近五年3D 擬真解剖教學的使用經驗與成效。研究方法:以2017 年3 月PubMed 資料庫,使用clinical anatomy、simulation、virtual reality 為關鍵字。研究結果:研究第一階段搜尋到72 篇文獻,經過篩選後第二階段共有6 篇文獻符合條件。以顳骨相關解剖研究佔多數(有4 篇),其他骨科相關有1 篇,與血液腫瘤相關有1 篇。結論: 3D 虛擬實境解剖在臨床醫學教學的重要性越來越重,有助於提升醫學生與住院醫師的解剖教學與手術技巧訓練,然而絕不能只有接受虛擬擬真解剖訓練,整合式教學與訓練也是非常重要的,藉此達到提升手術安全與病人安全。


Background: Anatomy is basic course of the medical education. It needs some concretes about human body or the realistic human body dissection to set up correct anatomy concept effectively. But it's limited and shortage. Many kinds of 3D virtual anatomy Information System systematized with teaching multimedia, interface and interactive teaching animations. The aim of the study is to review the evidence of the experience in using the 3D virtual reality anatomy teaching in the recent five years. Material and Method: PubMed database was searched in March 2017 with the key words of "clinical anatomy", "simulation" and "virtual reality". Results: In the first search, a total of 72 articles identified. In the second screening process, 6 articles met the selection criteria, including 4 virtual reality computer temporal bone simulator, 1 virtual fracture carving model, and 1 studies of endovascular aneurysm repair surgical anatomy. Conclusions: 3D virtual reality simulation in anatomy is more important in clinical medical education. It's beneficial in training the knowledge of anatomy and surgical skills in medical students and residents. But it still need combine basic and 3D virtual anatomy teaching model together to improve surgical and patient safety.
