  • 期刊


A Study on the Practice of Course Offerings and Teachers' Knowledge and Skills for Multimedia Music within the 12-Year Basic Education




Multimedia Music has been recently introduced as an elective within the arts area as part of Taiwan's 12-year basic education, with its inclusion reflecting a natural outgrowth of continuing efforts to promote information technology integrated instruction. The researcher feels that questions regarding how to define multimedia music, how to integrate creativity and technology-based course content, and how to ensure the feasibility of the course need to be examined, so as to fulfill the ideals that have laid out for Multimedia Music. This study first compiled problems and strategies culled from related literature regarding the practice of course offerings, including discussions on teacher qualifications, equipment, and the instruction of creativity. It then undertook an investigation into what it considers the key factor -- the teachers' own knowledge and skills. Results of the study showed: (1) The overall knowledge and skill of senior high school music teachers in teaching multimedia music was above average. These teachers showed both a higher than average degree of competency in the operation of digital technology and a lower than average degree of competency in their use of multimedia in music instruction. The teachers' professional or integrated musical equipment literacy and operational skills were also found to be insufficient, although a large degree of variance existed. (2) Teachers possessing a PhD exhibited a higher degree of knowledge and skill. However, due to the small sample size of this study, it is difficult to make generalizations. Finally, the researcher believes that it is imperative to draw up implementation strategies based on the content of Multimedia Music, with the establishment of music teacher information literacy indicators a long-term prospect.


方雅婷(2011)。北部七縣市高中音樂教師資訊科技融入教學之調查研究。臺北市立教育大學音樂學系=Department of Music, Taipei Municipal University of Education。
江易穎(2002)。國中音樂教師「專業成長」與「教學效能」之研究。國立臺灣師範大學音樂學系=Department of Music, National Taiwan Normal University。
吳宇穎(2005)。多媒體組合方式與知覺偏好對學習結果的影響。國立中正大學教育研究所=Graduate Institute of Education, National Chung Cheng University。


